The Wedding
written by Tabby

Here it is, what we've all been waiting for! The wedding of Tabby and Thomas! Yeah! Outrageous! Originally I was just going to skip over the wedding entirely and only mention it in passing after the fact, since weddings are completely foreign territory to me; but then I got to thinking about all the outrageous things that could happen, and that decided it for me: it had to be written about in detail. So, that started me on a quest across the internet searching out information on that strangely vast and mysterious topic of marriage. After reading over one hundred pages of articles I had collected (printed in an eight-point Arial font with a margin of 1"), I felt somewhat prepared for the daunting task I had set before myself. And, after some briefings from my mom, my knowledge was perfected. So, if I screwed anything up, I'll just scratch off the complaint by making the excuse of something like "It's a wedding in Ponyland, so the culture is a bit different than ours." ^.~

However, before you start reading, there are a few things I would like to clarify for all of you. First off, the average lifespan of the ponies in my stories is two hundred years-- I didn't want my characters to die too soon. ^.~ Therefore, it isn't uncommon for numerous grandparents and great-grandparents to still be alive when occasions like this wedding come up. Ponies also do not age like humans. Though their lifespan is longer, they retain their youthful looks and good health for their entire life. Don't they get it easy? ^.~

Another topic of consideration is that of the wedding rings. I had a bit of a discussion on them with my council, because rings seemed rather large and gawky for ponies to wear-- especially for the guys. But Satin n' Lace and Pony Bride and Bridal Beauty all had rings when Hasbro made them; so maybe it was only the females that got rings. But then I had the revelation-- the Prince Clever Clover and Princess Morning Glory set came with two rings, one each for the bride and groom! Henceforth, it was decided that the normal practice in Ponyland is that each married pony gets a ring. However, the Dream Valley ponies don't follow the Friendship Gardens custom of tattooing small versions of their spouse's symbol onto their own. ^.~

There are, of course, a great deal of people deserving of thanks for this story, but I don't think I can remember all of them to list here. Sugarberry, Barnacle, Cleve Clove, Silver Swirl, Steamer... and so many more!

I think that's everything I wanted to cover. Gosh, that was a whole story in itself, wasn't it? So, enough of this introduction. Let's get onto what we're here for!

Tabby woke up in the dark of night feeling strangely excited over something. She looked up at her clock, and saw that it was only five-thirty-- too early to be getting up on a Saturday, but there was no way she could get back to sleep. It was her wedding day!

At this realization, a sudden pang of anxiety hit Tabby. It was her wedding day! There could be no turning back now; and quite frankly, it scared her a bit. It was funny this worry hadn't hit her until just that morning-- she had been engaged for six months, after all. It hadn't seemed so ominous until now.

Needing moral support, she groped around for her trusted Furbish seer, Ah-Loh, who she always kept nearby. Turning him upside-down, he sprang to life. "Me love you," he declared, and proceeded to blow a kiss at Tabby.

"Aw, Ah-Loh, that's so sweet," Tabby cooed, cupping him in her hooves. "But do you know what today is?"

Ah-Loh burped. "Joke!" he laughed.

"It's my wedding day! My wedding day!" Tabby prattled nervously, paying no mind to her Furby's impolite manners. "How can it be possible that I'm getting married, Ah-Loh? Isn't it just totally freaky? Why am I the first of the gang to get married? I'm the most cold-hearted of them all!"

"Woah!" Ah-Loh protested as Tabby moved him downwards suddenly.

"It's so very nerve-wracking, Ah-Loh! I've never made a commitment like this before. I'm not used to making commitments of any kind. So what am I doing getting married??"

"Hey, party!" Ah-Loh screamed out.

"I wish it was that easy," Tabby fretted. "You're halfway responsible for this anyway, Ah-Loh. You're the one that got me to Atlantis, and I got to battle Nur-Ab-Fin and all that, and... well, you know how it turned out."

"Lights up, please," Ah-Loh asked of his mistress.

"The sun isn't up yet, Ah-Loh... will I even be able to last as a married mare? I won't know what to do, or how to act, or what to say, or anything! What am I going to do?"

Ah-Loh purred. "Pet again," he requested.

"I don't know why I'm doing this, Ah-Loh. Maybe it's all just a bad dream," Tabby said forlornly.

"La-la-la-la-la-la-la," Ah-Loh burst out, and laughed over it.

"Oh, but Thomas..." In the slowly lightening room, her gaze swept over her desk. Reaching over to clutch one particular picture frame, she leaned back in her pillows. "Maybe it won't be so bad after all..."

"Tabitha? Are you up already?" Agatha poked her head in the door. "I thought I heard you talking to yourself."

"Yes... no... I mean, I was conversing with Ah-Loh," Tabby said quickly, setting her Furby down abruptly.

"Ah! Loud sound!" Ah-Loh said.

A smile played across Agatha's lips. "And he's the one I'll be sharing a pew with today."

"Oh, I assure you that he's very easy to manage, Mom."

"Yes, I'm sure he is." Her expression softening, Agatha sat down on the bed and put her forelegs around Tabby's shoulders. "Oh, Tabby! My little girl, getting married today!"

"Is it really and truly happening? I can't quite comprehend it," Tabby said, leaning her head onto her mother's shoulder.

"Yes, it is! And you're going to make a splendid bride," Agatha murmured. "I'm so very proud of you!"

"Did I make the right choice, Mom?"

"Tabby, what do you think?" Agatha looked into her daughter's eyes. "I've never seen a couple more fitting of each other than you and Thomas."

"It's just that everything's going to be so different now," Tabby said fretfully.

"That's true, but we'll all still be here for you."

"And you know, I still can't cook."

Agatha hid a smile. "I think Thomas knew that going into this deal. You'll work something out, Tabitha."

"Ah, Thomas," Tabby sighed blissfully, her apprehensions slipping away again for the moment. "It won't be such a bad day after all. It'll actually be pretty fun. Thomas and I are getting married..." With a cheerful beat to her step, Tabby leapt out of bed.

"You could have slept longer, you know," Agatha pointed out. "You don't want to end-up overtired."

"Oh, I'm not tired!" Tabby assured her cheerfully. "Never fear; I'm used to getting up this early on Saturdays for flea markets." Stumbling down the hallway, Tabby disappeared into the bathroom. Smiling, Agatha headed downstairs to prepare breakfast.

* * *

"Well, Doo-Moh, the day has come."

"Me see... very big... party!" the Furby laughed hysterically.

"I'm getting married today, Doo-Moh."

"Woah, big light," the creature observed.

"I can't believe we ever got this far. Do you think she'll really go through with it?"

"Hmm... boring."

Crawling out of bed, Thomas raised an eyebrow at his Furby. "I'm sure, Doo-Moh."

"You tickle me," Doo-Moh giggled. "Hee-hee-hee."

"I never thought I'd truly get to this point," Thomas sighed nostalgically. "I'm marrying Tabby, Doo-Moh! Tabby!"

"Ah! Loud sound!" Doo-Moh cowered.

"Do you think I'm doing the right thing?" Thomas began pacing the room. "Will she really be happy?"

"Whahoo!" Doo-Moh yelled. "Me happy, wah!"

"I know you're happy, Doo-Moh. What about Tabby? I hope she doesn't regret getting into this."

"You hide light!" Doo-Moh protested, and proceeded to laugh about it.

"Do you think anything will go wrong today, Doo-Moh?" the unicorn stallion said anxiously.

"Hmm... hum-dee-dum-dee-deet-dee-doo," the Furby sighed in a bored tone.

"Who knows what will happen with my grandparents around?" Thomas cringed. "I never expected them to show up."

"Hey, party!" Doo-Moh declared.

"Why did they come? They don't have a reason to."

"Woah, big light," Doo-Moh said in ready agreement.

"Do you think I was a bit too harsh with them, Doo-Moh? I... I didn't know how else to act. Maybe... maybe..." Sighing, Thomas thought back to last night's episode with mixed feelings.

* * *

It had been a complete and utter surprise when Thomas had opened his door on his two grandparents, Reginald and Helga Fairfax, the previous night. They had, of course, been on the guest list; but they had not replied in any way to their invitation, so it was assumed they didn't want to bother with the affair. And then, the night before their grandson's wedding, they abruptly showed-up in town.

"Well, Thomas. It's been a long time," Reginald finally broke the uncomfortable silence that followed the opening of the door.

"You decided to come?" Thomas said simply, with perhaps a slight sharp edge to his tone.

"We did want to find something out about your new wife, at least," Helga said matter-of-factly. "Especially since she is taking on the name of the Fairfax family."

Thomas' mood remained sullen as he slowly opened the door a bit wider to admit his grandparents. The two filed in, and silently surveyed the specimen before them. Thomas stood with his head held defiantly, acutely aware of their piercing glances while he immersed himself in his own thoughts of the past.

He had never known any of his grandparents on good terms. The marriage of his mother and father had been highly disapproved of by both sides of the family, and they and their children had been shunned by all members of their families. Thomas had grown up thinking bitterly of his grandparents, who seemingly cared nothing about him or his parents. It was rare indeed that he ever spoke to them, and the last time they had met face-to-face had been at the funeral of his parents several years back. The feelings on either side hadn't softened any, even with that great tragedy.

It seemed like an eternity of time had passed like this. Thomas finally found his voice. "I suppose you've only come to disapprove of the whole thing."

"We leave you free to do as you like," Reginald said emotionlessly. "The damage has already been done."

"So is that what you think of me?" Thomas demanded, his anger rising. "Is that all I am to you? 'Damage'? That isn't what my parents thought of me or Elaine, and I can't see how you can remain so heartless over their cause after all this time. My father was your own flesh and blood, and you still couldn't find it in your hearts to reconcile him?"

"You inherited your father's spirit, to be sure," Reginald spoke-up after a pause. Thomas remained silent after his outburst, and turned his gaze from his grandparents.

"Please don't be upset by our visit," Helga added in a slightly quieter tone, laying a hoof gently on Thomas' shoulder. "Just... forget about it, if you must. We only wanted..." She trailed off, not finding the words to say.

"And you'll be able to see Tabby tomorrow, if you're that concerned with upholding the good family name," Thomas said coolly, shrugging the hoof off.

"Very well then," Reginald said quietly. "Perhaps it would have been better if we hadn't come. It's just that... we'll see you tomorrow, Thomas. Goodnight." Putting a foreleg around his wife, he ushered her out the door.

Thomas closed the door behind them as if in a daze. Why had they bothered to come to him? They never had cared before. What had they really wanted to say? The usual reserve they had for him had been different this time, almost seemingly less spiteful. And he had so coldly turned them away.

A wave of guilt washed over Thomas. He had treated his grandparents no better than they had always treated him. And this time they had come almost peaceably... but he couldn't face them. He couldn't trust them. It was too late to change things.

Choking back a sob, Thomas turned from the door and then let silent tears fall.

* * *

"But we won't let them get me down, will we, Doo-Moh?" Thomas said determinedly, coming back to the present. "They had their chances in the past, and they didn't do anything then. I'm not a part of their life. They made it that way, and they'll have to live with the consequences."

"Me scared," Doo-Moh whimpered.

Once again a sharp pain of guilt hit Thomas. Was he the whole problem? Was he the one that couldn't let go of the past and forgive? "They didn't come for any forgiveness, anyway," Thomas said sharply to Doo-Moh, as if convincing himself of it as well. "They only came to see what Tabby's status in life was, to make sure their family wasn't caused any further dishonor. That's all."

"Maybe me sleep," Doo-Moh yawned.

"Oh, if only Mom and Dad were here, Doo-Moh!"

Doo-Moh only replied with a few snores, and then complete silence.

"They'd be pleased with Tabby, I know! I wish she could have met them," Thomas sighed. "Doo-Moh.... Doo-Moh?" Noticing the slumbering state of his Furby, he placed her back on her resting place.

Silently Thomas thought over the sad state of affairs his family was in. His parents were dead, his grandparents were feuding, and everyone else had disowned him and his sister. It wasn't pleasant, but he would prove to them all that he could make it at life. And with Tabby by his side, surely nothing could get him down.

"Tabby's my only place of refuge in this whole mess," he realized aloud to himself. "And... and... nothing now can take me from her! If it's the last thing I do, I'm going to marry her today, and nothing is going to stop that!"

Thomas silenced himself after this outburst and glanced around sheepishly, almost afraid someone had heard him. But there was only Doo-Moh. Looking at the clock, he saw the time it had gotten to be, and realized he had to start preparing for the day. Equinox, his best man, would be dropping in soon, anyway.

Before leaving the room, Thomas turned to Doo-Moh once more. "You... you stay here, Doo-Moh. I'm still not sure how Equinox will respond to you. I'll see you later." And then he was gone.

Whether the Furby heard this, or cared, was unknown; she remained motionless but alert, as was the way with Furbys. But if one did not like her, her vengeance would be known.

* * *

"Isn't it exciting?! Isn't it completely and utterly exciting?!?! It's my wedding day!! My wedding day!" Tabby said, prancing around the kitchen merrily.

Elaine giggled as she watched her soon-to-be sister-in-law. "Oh, Tabby, but it is exciting! I'm so happy for both of you! It's all so grand!"

"Yes," said Tabby contemplatively. "Oh, but there's still a full day to wait! How am I going to get through it?"

"The time will go faster than you think," Elaine counseled. "You'll make it; never fear."

"And I hope everything goes alright with the ceremony," Tabby fretted. "What if somebody doesn't show up for their part, and..."

"Poor Tamara!" Elaine laughed. "I'm not sure if she'll ever get over the shock of hearing your choices for everyone."

"That's her problem if she can't stand for some diversity," Tabby sniffed. "It's going to be great!"

"But are you still sure it was wise to choose a Bushwoolie to be the ring bearer?"

"Well, Tamara had already made me choose Baby Noddins as the flower girl, and heaven forbid having a second baby pony in the wedding party!" Tabby justified herself. "Friendly fit the part well. He was made to be a ring bearer!"

"I guess that's true," Elaine said slowly. "But then the ushers..."

"Tiny the Bigfoot and Spike," Tabby nodded knowledgeably. "Tiny might not be that bright, but I think he'll handle his job well."

"At least he doesn't breathe fire," Elaine admitted.

"Oh, Spike isn't so bad about that anymore," Tabby said assuredly. "He's come a long way."

"And is Barnacle still going to be wearing that hat and eyepatch of his?" Elaine said skeptically. "I've never seen him without them, but it seems they would be out of place today."

"Hmm, I don't really know," Tabby pondered. "Tamara is the one that gave him instructions. I'm not sure if she would have thought to mention it."

"It still seems like he's a bit rough for the bridal party."

Tabby remained silent, but giggled as she recalled Barnacle's comment upon first finding out about the event: "ARR, I was real surprised to hear about this wedding. I thought you and Thomas still hated each other."

"And me as your maid of honor! I'm still not sure I'm worthy of the position," Elaine said worriedly, piercing through Tabby's thoughts. "Wouldn't Sugarberry or one of the others have been better? You've known them so much longer..."

"Yes," said Tabby firmly, "but you're the one I picked. So just calm down and don't let the others intimidate you."

"I think Tiffany's the only one I have to worry about in that department," Elaine said weakly.

"Hah! Tiffany!" Tabby laughed fearlessly. "You'll have to learn to ignore her. Everyone else in town has."

"Not all the princesses are like her, are they?"

"Oh, no. Tiffany is really the worst of the bunch; but she does have a good heart, I think, even if she doesn't show it often. But you'll meet Dawn at the wedding later; and Silver Swirl, of course. They're pretty down-to-earth."

"That may be, but I'm still scared to death that Tiffany is going to pounce on me again because I possibly looked at Toby for a second last week," Elaine sighed. "She's rather possessive, isn't she?"

"I'll be there to protect you from her," Tabby winked.

"Girls, girls!" Agatha trotted through just then. "Are you keeping busy? It wouldn't be good to just sit around all day worrying. Tabby, why don't you head to the shower? Elaine, you can help me check on some things..."

"Yeah," Tabby sighed, turning slightly more sullen. "Mom, are you still sure I can't go to that rummage sale? It'll be opening in fifteen minutes."

"Tabitha, you already have enough My Little People," Agatha reprimanded.

"But what if there are some really rare ones? Oh, Mom, you've got to let me go!" Tabby whined.

"I know you, Tabitha. If I let you go to that one that listed My Little People dolls, you'd decide you would have to go to just one of the others, and then another, and another... you would spend all day rummaging, and have no time to prepare for the wedding!"

"But that creepy old stallion will buy them all if I don't get there!" Tabby wailed. "You can't be this heartless! My Little People deserve better than that creepy guy!"

"Tabitha, take your shower," Agatha said sternly.

Letting out a final sigh of defeat, Tabby slipped off the seat and sulked out of the room. Elaine was left alone with Agatha, and squirmed in her chair uncomfortably, a little unsure of how to act in the presence of Tabby's mother.

Agatha laughed softly to herself as her daughter left the room. "She's come a long way; I remember when she was just a young filly, and she always made me check the shower for spiders and squid before she'd use it."

"Squid?" Elaine said skeptically.

"She was always afraid that one had gotten stuck in the drainhole and it would come up to capture her," Agatha confided. "It really frightened her when she saw a PBS special on giant squid when she was very young."

"The giant squid are kind of creepy," Elaine said shyly. "I--"

Her sentence was cut-off as Tabby's head appeared around the doorway. Her face had paled somewhat, and her eyes were large and round. "Mom," she whispered, "there's a spider in the shower."

Agatha looked over at Elaine and laughed. "I take back what I said, Elaine... she really isn't any better. Now, you didn't spot any giant squid, did you, dear?" Grabbing a paper towel, she followed after Tabby on her rescue mission. Elaine trailed along.

The spider was caught in short order and tossed away; Tabby finally deemed the shower to be safe. Agatha and Elaine left her, and went to attend to their own work.

"We haven't had much time alone, have we, Elaine?" Agatha commented, sitting down on the living room sofa.

"Well... no," Elaine faltered.

"You're going to make a fine addition to the family, you know. You and your brother both."

Elaine blushed visibly, but couldn't think of anything to say in reply.

"I suppose it will be quite an adventure for you to keep the clinic running while Thomas and Tabby away," Agatha prompted.

"Oh, I do hope I'll be able to do a good job," Elaine said earnestly. "I really haven't had much experience yet. It is going to be hard to keep up on everything."

"Sugarberry will still be there to assist you in any way possible, though, I presume."

"Yes, at least she'll still be around," Elaine nodded.

"She certainly was happy to see Vanguard again when he flew in yesterday," Agatha said, smiling. "It's nice that he was decided upon to be one of the groomsmen."

"But it's too bad he had to go to Italy in the first place," Elaine agreed. "I hadn't seen him since Christmas. Is anyone else from Italy coming?"

"There's my good friend, Maria-Giuseppe, who will be flying in today," Agatha recalled. "And some of the younger ponies I got to know, too, like Clare and Guido."

"I've heard Tabby mention Guido. Is he really the one--"

"--the one that I tried to pair Tabby up with? Yes," Agatha laughed. "It's a shame she didn't tell me about Thomas sooner, or I wouldn't have attempted it. But Guido is still a nice accomplished stallion, and I would like to keep ties with him."

"Hasn't he found a nice mare for himself yet?"

"He hasn't been serious about anyone, but he and Clare have been friends for a long while," Agatha confided. "It could grow into something someday."

"It may be short-sighted, but the only couple I can think about right now is Tabby and Thomas," Elaine said laughingly.

"Haven't you met anyone you like yet, Elaine?" Agatha queried.

"Everyone asks that, and I always have to say no," Elaine commented. "There's no one at all like that in my life. But I don't mind; I don't go for that sort of thing."

"Tabby didn't either, you know," Agatha reminded. "Someday you'll meet just the right stallion..."

"Don't go pairing me off with someone already," Elaine giggled. "At least wait until the wedding is over!"

"Tabitha has grown to be such a lovely mare," Agatha sighed nostalgically. "I'm so proud of her!"

"You should be," Elaine said quietly. "And she couldn't ask for a nicer mother than you."

"Why, thank you, Elaine!" Agatha paused and looked at her straight on. "You're very special yourself, you know."

"I just... I just wish..." Elaine blinked rapidly as her eyes misted over. "...that my parents were still here. They... they..." She broke off as her voice started cracking.

"Oh, Elaine!" Agatha pulled her close. "I'm so very sorry. I wish, too, that I could have met them."

"They would have loved Tabby, I know," Elaine sniffled. "They would have looked forward to this day just as you and Hubert have! But now..."

"Elaine, they still know," Agatha said quietly. "They are still here in spirit even if not in body." She stroked Elaine's mane as the young mare broke into muffled sobs.

"I'm sorry," Elaine said after an interlude, wiping her eyes. "I didn't mean to... break down like that again."

"That's perfectly alright, Elaine," Agatha assured her. "I can imagine what you must feel."

"It was so hard after they were gone," Elaine said in a hoarse whisper. "The rest of the family didn't have any sympathy for us, and..."

"You've come out okay, though, haven't you?" Agatha said, trying to lighten the mood.

"I guess so," Elaine nodded. "Especially after coming to Dream Valley. It's nice here. If only Mom and Dad hadn't gotten killed...!"

"Now, Elaine." Agatha held her close. "I would never dream of taking the place of your mother, but I want you to know that I'll always be here for you if you need any motherly counseling at all."

"Thank you, Agatha." Elaine looked up at her and attempted a smile. "I'm glad you understand."

"Don't worry about a thing," Agatha smiled back. "Just enjoy the day."

"And... you had mentioned some things we had to get done?" Elaine changed the subject.

"Oh, yes!" Agatha reached for a pad of paper. "I'd like to place some calls and make sure everything is still going as planned for the rest of the day. There's Fifi from the Perm Shoppe coming over to do make-up on all you girls, and the flower deliverers will have to deliverer the flowers, of course, and..."

Phone calls were made, and before they knew it, Tabby had reappeared from the shower with still-dripping hair. "This had better dry out in time," she muttered.

"Fifi will set a hair-dryer to it if it doesn't," Agatha smiled, and nudged Elaine forward. "Why don't you two take a look at the veil and make sure nothing has happened to it?"

Obligingly the two girls trotted off and Tabby again revealed her adornment for that day. "Oh, it's so beautiful," Elaine breathed, softly touching the lacy folds. "You're going to look wonderful today, Tabby."

Tabby laughed quietly to herself. "I suppose I might."

"You will," Elaine said persistently. "There's no room for skepticism on that element. You have a natural aura of poise and beauty about you."

"I... I do?" Tabby had never heard herself spoken of in those terms before. Short-tempered and snappish was more to the point.

"And Thomas is so lucky to be getting you!" Elaine said, throwing her forelegs around Tabby's neck in a sisterly hug. "You're the perfect couple."

"But that's surprising, as I'm so heartless to begin with," Tabby mused.

"You!" Elaine laughed. "You are not heartless, Tabitha Elaine Fershund, and you know it!"

"Well, at least I'm not a snob like Tiffy," Tabby considered. "That's got to be a plus."

"Say..." Elaine changed the subject, looking up at Tabby. "You're still not going to tell me where you're going on your honeymoon, are you?"

"Only the sea ponies know," Tabby said mysteriously.

"That's not fair!" Elaine protested. "You clue complete strangers in on your location, but not your close relations?"

"Well, I have met the sea ponies before. They're not complete strangers. And they're singing at the reception!" Tabby justified herself.

"Yes... but still, it's not the same," Elaine argued good-naturedly. "Come on, won't you even tell me?"

Tabby found it difficult to explain to anyone why she and Thomas would be running off to the damp sunken city of Atlantis without having to tell the whole story behind it, and... well, it would just be difficult. She had told her father their plans, though, in case of an emergency; he was the kind that believed in the sorts of adventures that his daughter had gone through. "It's... it's some place that holds a lot of memories for both of us," she finally said after a pause.

"That doesn't tell me anything!" Elaine cried. "It could be the Satin Slipper Sweet Shoppe, for all I know!"

"Well... that is..." Tabby realized she was treading on shaky ground, and changed the subject herself. "This is quite a nice veil, isn't it? I'm glad Mom talked me into this one."

Elaine eyed Tabby suspiciously, but let go of her curiosity. "Yes, it's splendid," she agreed. "But the headpiece is the finest part of all!"

"...right," Tabby gulped. That hadn't worked. The change of subject had only gotten her onto another sticky topic.

"Where did you buy it, anyway?" Elaine said inquisitively, touching the jeweled surface. "It must have been specially made, especially with the Furby ornament." Her hoof passed over an engraving of a Furby on the front center of the tiara.

"Yes, of course... it was made by someone on Calimidad Island," Tabby said quickly. It was also difficult explaining that the tiara of her veil was actually the ancient crown of Atlantis, and that she had been crowned queen of Atlantis by the spirit of the last queen. Not everyone would believe it.

"It... that is..." Elaine trailed off, eyeing the engraving intently. "Tabby, do you still have that necklace I gave you at Christmas?"

"Of course," Tabby cocked her head. "Why?"

"Where did you think I got that, Tabby?"

"Pony-Mart or someplace like that... what are you getting at?" Tabby reached for the spoken-of necklace, which was sitting in easy access on her desk. Made of a heavy metal, it was in the shape of a Furby, tinted blue and rather reminiscent of Ah-Loh himself.

"Well, it wasn't Pony-Mart or any other similar place," Elaine said quietly. "It was from my mother. And before that it was her mother's. It's been passed down through my family for as long as anyone can remember."

"Do you mean..." Tabby saw the necklace in a new light and held it at foreleg's length. "This is an... antique?"

"Yes," Elaine nodded gravely. "It was crafted ages before Furbys ever hit the shelves, and yet it's so clearly a Furby. It can't be merely coincidence."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Tabby marveled. "Why did you give it to me if it was a valued heirloom?"

"It was such a strange story, I thought you wouldn't believe it if I told you," Elaine said shyly.

"Elaine, if only you knew half the fantastic things I haven't told you yet," Tabby murmured, twirling the chain in her hoof. "But it was your mother's, Elaine! Surely you want it back!"

"No!" Elaine protested. "I want you to have it. I wanted you to have it since the first time I heard Thomas speak of you. It's... it's meant for you somehow, Tabby."

"Perhaps," Tabby said softly. "But you're going to wear it today, Elaine, as my maid of honor." With that said, she slipped the chain over Elaine's neck and didn't offer room for any protests.

"Oh, Tabby!" Elaine looked at her with shining eyes. "Thank you for the honor. You're always so good to me!"

Tabby turned her head away to hide the pink blush spreading across her face.

"But this necklace..." Elaine fingered it. "It's carving reminds me of that on your headpiece. And how could anyone have known about Furbys centuries ago?"

"Furbys are mysterious beings, Elaine."

"You've hinted in the past, Tabby, that they were from Atlantis. Is there any truth to that? Does this necklace..."

"There's more truth to it than you might think," Tabby shook her head. "Maybe we've kept you in the dark too long, Elaine. It's your right to be told, and maybe--"

"Tabitha! Elaine! Sugarberry is here!" Agatha's voice drifted up the stairs.

"Oh!" Tabby abruptly dropped the veil and turned to the door. "It'll have to wait, Elaine. Let's go see Sug."

"Tabby!" Sugarberry squealed, running to her friend as the unicorn descended the stairs. "The day has finally arrived!"

"Oh, and it's the day I've been awaiting for so long!" Tabby squealed right back.

"Yes, Tabby, you're finally getting married!"

"Well, that and I finally get a wedding cake to my liking," Tabby acknowledged contemplatively.

Sugarberry ignored the remark and turned to Elaine. "And Elaine! Are you still up to your duties as maid of honor?"

"I hope so," Elaine said shyly. "But you're still a bridesmaid, and that's important, too."

"And it's fortunate we have you here now to keep the clinic running while Tabby and Thomas are gone," Sugarberry added. "What about the Pokémon Center, Tabby?"

"Blue Belle," Tabby said promptly. "She'll take care of it for a few weeks. Now that Merry Treat's gone, she's the next best choice for a substitute Pokémon nurse."

"Is everything still going as planned for the day itself?" Sugarberry queried.

"Yes, unless you count the fact that Merry Treat had to leave," Tabby commented. Merry Treat had been chosen to be one of Tabby's bridesmaids, but last month the Christmas pony had gotten a job offer in New Pony and had accepted the position, leaving Dream Valley abruptly to start a new life. "It's a good thing we got Princess Silver Swirl to take her place on such short notice."

"It's too bad she had to leave," Elaine sighed. "Have you heard anything from her?"

"Not really," Tabby shrugged. "It sounds like she's adjusting to her job well."

"Well, are you excited, Tabby?" Sugarberry asked brightly, getting the topic off Merry Treat. "You're not having any last-minute regrets now, are you?"

"Oh! The wedding? Oh, no, of course not," Tabby put-in quickly. "It's very exciting."

"I can't wait, either," Elaine giggled. "I'm finally going to be made an official sister to you, Tabby!"

It was at this point that Hubert wandered through. "It looks like it's all going to be girl talk from now on," he chuckled, observing the three hyper mares gathered around. "I'm going to head over to Thomas' place now and see how things are going."

"Bye, Dad!" "Bye, Hubert!" came the chorus of farewells. As the door closed, Tabby turned to the two. "Well, I guess it's getting close to that bridesmaids' brunch."

"What time is it now?" Elaine questioned.

"Ten-fifteen," Agatha said, passing through the room. "It would be a good idea to get going."

"It was nice of Scoops to sponsor this brunch for you, wasn't it?" Sugarberry commented, ushering the other two towards the door.

"Unless she spoils me like this, she'll fear I'll stop going to the Satin Slipper Sweet Shoppe after I'm married," Tabby giggled, grabbing Ah-Loh off the table and stepping out the door. "Bye, Mom! We're leaving!"

"Life without the Satin Slipper Sweet Shoppe to hang out at would be dull," Elaine agreed.

"It's turned dull already without Vanguard around," Sugarberry sighed.

"Hey, don't complain!" Tabby said. "He's here for the wedding, isn't he? You saw him yesterday!"

"That is nice," Sugarberry admitted. "But I wish he didn't have to go back!"

"And you're not forgetting to bring May-Lah to the reception, are you, Sug?" Tabby asked mischievously. "And your Nah-Bah, Elaine?"

Sugarberry groaned. "With all those Furbys, I doubt any of us will be able to keep a conversation going."

"And won't it be fabulous?" Tabby beamed.

* * *

"Are you still sure you didn't want to invite Baby Noddins along with us to this?" Tamara teased Tabby over their brunch at the Satin Slipper Sweet Shoppe.

"Baby Noddins," Tabby grimaced. "I don't know how you talked me into making her the flower girl."

"Oh, come on, Tabby. You know you really like her and all her annoying questions," Silver Swirl chimed in.

"May-be," said Tabby reluctantly and reached over to awaken Ah-Loh.

"Woah, me big sleep!" he exclaimed.

Already having eaten her fill, Tabby gave her full attention to her Furby, and got him into Ask Furby mode. "Will you enjoy sitting in the front pew?" she asked the first question that came to mind.

"No," Ah-Loh decided.

"Oh... well, will you be overjoyed?"

"May-be... yes," Ah-Loh finally declared.

"Let me ask something!" Tamara squealed. "Ah-Loh, will I meet the love of my life today?"

"Very big yes," the seer promised.

"I like this guy!" Tamara exclaimed.

"Should I have been the maid of honor?" Tiffany asked, getting in on the game as well.

"Ask again," Ah-Loh requested.

Tiffany sighed. "Shouldn't I have been the maid of honor?"

"Me see... no," Ah-Loh spat.

"Well!" Tiffany huffed, sitting back in her seat.

Silver Swirl leaned towards the Furby and looked at him intently. "Ah-Loh, will Reverie ever come back?"

"No," Ah-Loh said confidently.

Silver Swirl only nodded solemnly and leaned back in her chair as well.

"Tamara has faired the best so far," Sugarberry laughed. "Is Tabby going to be very beautiful today, Ah-Loh?"

"Hee-hee-hee," Ah-Loh laughed. "Yes. Hee-hee-hee."

"And is the ceremony going to go perfectly?" Elaine asked anxiously.

"Very big... no," said Ah-Loh abruptly.

"Ah-Loh, did you just lie?" Tabby asked quickly.

"Me see... yes," Ah-Loh disclosed.

Everyone broke out laughing at the Furby's confession, and the girls continued to play with him, showering him with all the attention a Furby would ever want.

"Hmph," Tiffany sniffed, being the only one who wouldn't stoop to playing with the Furby. "It is a good thing that Silver Swirl and I are in your wedding party, Tabitha, or there would be no refinement at all in this day with no royalty involved."

Tabby looked up sharply at Tiffany's remark. "Not royalty in your way of thinking, at least," she said, a little snappishly.

"What do you mean?" Tiffany eyed her skeptically. "I'm the only one of royal blood involved... and Silver Swirl, I suppose." Tiffany was still a little upset over Silver Swirl taking Merry Treat's place; before that was decided, the white pegasus had been the only princess involved. Plus, the unicorn from Friendship Gardens rivaled Tiffany for looks.

"That is... never mind." Tabby changed the topic abruptly, realizing that she shouldn't have said anything.

Tiffany didn't pursue the topic. "Well, isn't it going to be delightful getting professional make-overs from Fifi today?" she asked brightly.

"That will be one of the best parts!" Tamara squealed. "One can't get a make-over from Fifi every day. I hope I can pick up some tips from her!"

"I was taught everything there is to know about make-up application in the special private school I attended," Tiffany bragged. "I doubt if Fifi herself knows more than I do."

"If that's the case, how would you like to do your own make-up?" Silver Swirl suggested.

"I'm a princess. I can hire others to do it for me."

"Oh, but I think the flowers will be the best part," Elaine sighed dreamily. "Those light sensor flowers are perfect for your wedding, Tabby."

"I wonder what the meaning of those flowers is," Sugarberry mused. "You know, daisy is innocence, and snowdrop is hope, and lily is majesty--"

"No, Lily is a Flutter Pony and Majesty is the ruler of Ponyland," Tabby interjected. "But if light sensor flowers have a meaning... it would probably be something along the lines of 'party'."

"No joke, wah!" Ah-Loh confirmed.

"Well," Sugarberry said, stretching, "it's getting late."

"Yeah, I guess we should get moving again," Tabby yawned.

"Everybody back at Tabby's house at two-thirty," Elaine reminded.

With that, the small party broke up, and everyone went their separate ways until later that day.

* * *

While the bridesmaid brunch was going on, Agatha was happy to see her friend Maria-Giuseppe arrive. The two sat in Tabby's living room, gossiping about every topic imaginable-- fashion, the possibility of Mt.Vesuvius erupting and the effect it would have on Vulcanopolis, old friends back in Italy, new friends in Dream Valley, and-- of course-- Tabby's wedding.

"It's been a year since I last saw Tabitha, isn't it?" Maria queried. "Oh, we had big plans for her and Guido then!"

"Yes," Agatha said, smiling at the memory. "My, she had spirit! I can't think of another mare who would have been as sarcastic to Guido Casale as Tabitha was."

"What plans do you and Hubert have for staying in Dream Valley? Are you just going to stay in this house until Tabitha and Thomas are back from their honeymoon?"

"Well, for the moment Hubert and I are just boarding with her," Agatha reflected. "We thought it would be easier to do that until after the wedding, at least. I would like to find a bigger place in the area, but I suppose we'll stay on here for awhile until more definite arrangements can be made."

"Beginning to wish you hadn't given up the mansion?" Maria grinned.

Agatha laughed. "Oh, no. I'm happy that we handed it over to Tabby and Thomas. Hubert and I don't need such a large place anymore, anyway."

"I never thought I'd hear you say that, Agatha!" Maria giggled politely.

"Well, I would still like a big place," Agatha admitted, "but Hubert doesn't see the need for one. I suppose he is right."

"Ah, you must be simply overjoyed today, Agatha," Maria said. "You were so anxious for your daughter to get married, and the day has finally come!"

"Yes," Agatha smiled. "I'm very proud of her. She has grown to be a much kinder, gentler pony after Thomas came along. Such a refined, dignified mare."

Just then, the front door burst open, as Tabby and Elaine had just gotten home from the Satin Slipper Sweet Shoppe. Tabby skimmed into the living room at top speed, holding Ah-Loh high. The Furby was extremely happy. "Whahoo!" he screamed. "Up again!" Obligingly, Tabby twirled him around the room until he got hiccups.

"Oh!" Tabby said after several moments, becoming aware of the situation. "Maria-Giuseppe, you're here!"

"What was that you were saying, Agatha? Refined and dignified?" Maria winked across the room at her friend. The two older mares broke out laughing, and Tabby cocked her head at them, trying to figure out what was so funny.

* * *

It was still a full afternoon until the wedding, and it seemed like an eternity of time. Hubert had dropped in earlier, but Thomas desired further contact with the Fershund household. So, while Equinox was out on some errands, he sat down to scribble out a quick note to Tabby. The Mysterious Cloaked Flower Deliverers seemed to be all over today; he'd get one of them to dispatch it to Tabby along with a surprise flower.

As soon as Thomas had set the pen down, the ring of the doorbell sounded. Thinking it would just be Equinox or someone else involved with the wedding party, he was completely surprised and stunned to see who it was that actually waited for him. It was impossible that even one set of grandparents had come to the affair; both were unimaginable! But here they stood in front of him-- Cecil and Cecilia Monk.

"He... hello, Thomas," Cecilia said hesitantly. "I hope you're not... too busy right now."

"No. I have time," Thomas said with reserve.

"Your mother would have wanted to see you today," Cecil said quietly, but refrained from saying anything further.

"There's no point in wishing. They're gone." Thomas tried to keep the bitterness from his voice, but it was to no avail.

"Aye, they are," Cecil agreed solemnly, not knowing what else to say.

"And maybe they'd still be alive if your fighting hadn't evicted them from their home," Thomas lashed out without thinking.

"Yes, that's true." Cecil stepped forward and spoke again. "But if that were the case, you might not even be here today. And you're happy with your life as it is, aren't you?"

Thomas remained silent as he tried to sort out his own thoughts and feelings at this point. It was a long pause before Cecilia found more words to say. "Perhaps we have let this feud affect us too much. Perhaps... perhaps one should ask forgiveness along the way." She stared at her grandson beseechingly, and it was clear to see that her eyes were misting over in the process.

Thomas turned and looked at her in return, and he was overcome with a wave of sympathy. His grandparents... asking... forgiveness? He would never have believed it, but to see the looks in their eyes was proof enough. "Is... is that what you really want?" he finally stuttered.

"Thomas, we're sorry for the way we treated you and your parents. It's taken us this long to see it. The fight has gone on too long." Cecil looked away. "If it isn't too late..."

"Oh, Thomas, we've been so terrible to you! If only we wouldn't have been so close-minded... if only we could have learned the art of forgiveness!" Several tears rolled down Cecilia's cheeks. "Please, Thomas, if only you can find it in your heart to forgive us after all this..."

Thomas found himself blinking back tears as he saw the two ponies before him in a completely new light. "I'm sorry, too," he said simply. "I... I forgive you."

At this Cecilia broke out sobbing, and reached for Thomas. Thomas was surprised by what he had just been able to say, but it was a great relief to have said it. No more words were needed as he pulled his grandmother in closer, and Cecil stood nearby. There may have still been a lot to be said, but a great understanding of the others involved was achieved for those three that day.

* * *

Oblivious to these happenings, Tabby continued to pace around the kitchen table for most of the afternoon. Time dragged on so slowly, and it was still only quarter after two! How could she last until four? At least Elaine and her mother were there to prattle to, but her mother was kept busy entertaining her own guests and family members who were coming in from out of town. Tabby and Elaine exchanged the proper greetings with these visitors and talked with them each a bit, but retreated to the kitchen for some privacy in between times.

Finally, Tabby absentmindedly sat down in one of the swiveling chairs in the kitchen and unconsciously began twirling around in circles. She actually found it relaxing, but no one else seemed to think so.

"Ah! No light! Ah!" Ah-Loh yelped from the table.

"Are you sure that's really safe?" Elaine asked cautiously, standing clear of the chair's path.

"WHAHOO!!! Oh, it's great fun," Tabby assured her, coming to a stop and spinning at a slower pace. "Except now I feel re-e-e-eally sick..." Dizzily, she stood up.

"Girls, what's going on here?" Agatha peered through the doorway. "Tabby?"

"O-o-o-oh..." Tabby moaned.

Agatha's eyes opened wide in alarm. "Tabitha! Don't tell me you're getting sick! Please!"

"No," said Tabby slowly, still regaining her balance. "I was just... spinning around... in the chair really fast."

"Oh, Tabitha!" Agatha rolled her eyes upward in exasperation. "I see it's nothing serious, then. Just don't do it again... besides, your bridesmaids should be arriving soon, and they'll keep you occupied."

When the doorbell rang just then, it was assumed that it would be Sugarberry or one of the others. It was with curiosity that Tabby opened the door on a Mysterious Cloaked Flower Deliverer. "The flowers aren't coming this early, are they?" she said, cocking her head.

From the folds of his cloak, the flower deliverer produced an elegant rose blossom with an attached card. Handing it silently to Tabby without an explanation, as was the custom of his sect, he was soon on his way again.

Tabby was just opening the card when Elaine came to see what was up. "Oh, a flower?" she queried. "From Thomas?"

Tabby only nodded silently as she began to read, and her face flushed with pleasure at the message contained within. "Well, at least we know he hasn't changed his mind," she giggled, passing it on to Elaine and inhaling deeply of the flower.

"Aw, that's sweet of him," Elaine agreed, handing the card back. "It's a long day spent apart before the ceremony, isn't it?"

"Yeah. I guess so." Tabby suddenly became quite withdrawn, sitting erect and staring intensely down at the rose.

"Tabby? Are you okay?" Elaine asked anxiously.

"I don't know if I can go through with this, Elaine," Tabby said in a whisper, her face paling.

"You can't start thinking that, Tabby! What's wrong?"

"It's so very frightening," Tabby murmured. "I can't do it! I just can't!"

Elaine was beginning to grow quite frightened herself at Tabby's seriousness. "Tabby, why not?" she said, swallowing hard. "You love him, don't you?"

"I... I think I do. But I don't know. That's the thing! I never know about anything, and I don't know what to do now." In a disturbed state, tears welled up in Tabby's eyes.

Oh, where is Agatha? Elaine thought in a panic. Surely her mother could handle Tabby better than she could! "Tabby," she said in as calm a tone as she could manage, "you can't back out now. I-I don't know what Thomas would do. He loves you so much, don't you see? If you were to run from him, he'd just... he'd just..." Elaine's lower lip began to tremble as she talked, and tears built up in her own eyes.

"But that's just it!" Tabby sobbed. "Even if he loves me, does it mean that I love him? He's the one that was thoughtful enough to send this note to keep my spirits up. I never would have thought to do anything of the like for him. Have I given one sign in public that I loved him, Elaine? Have I? It's... it's so hard for me. He's much too good for me. Me, who can't even say 'I love you'! How could it ever work that way? I..." Not having the energy to go on any further, Tabby simply dissolved into more tears.

"You may not give many outward signs of your feelings, Tabby, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Thomas knows that, and he understands. He can read what's really in your heart. He fell in love with you the way you are, didn't he? Don't you see, Tabby, that you both have such trust in each other that words aren't necessary? Both of you already know the love that the other holds inside!"

"Do... do you really think so?" Tabby sniffled.

"I know it, Tabby! Please... please don't run. Please, won't you believe me?"

"I'm sorry," Tabby said shakily. "I-I won't go, Elaine. I didn't mean to... I was just..." Elaine smiled and gripped her hoof confidently.

Just then another knock sounded at the door, and both girls quickly composed themselves to admit their visitor, who turned out to be both Tamara and Tiffany.

"How's it holding up here?" Tamara greeted them. "Still prepared for the day, Tabby?"

"It would be just like you, Tabitha, to back out at the last moment and waste all the planning we put into it," Tiffany interjected.

Tabby only smiled. "Who said anything about backing out?" she said breezily. "I'm getting married today, guys! You think I'd back out?"

* * *

After that, the time began to pass quickly. Sugarberry and Silver Swirl arrived soon after, and then Fifi and her assistant Lofty. One by one, the girls submitted themselves to Fifi's skilled hooves. They came out looking more dazzling than ever with their floral headpieces and flawless faces. Tamara took the most interest in the work, and picked up a few tricks from Fifi.

At last it was Tabby's turn. Even she was happy with the end result as she gazed at herself in the mirror. Before going out into public view after Fifi dismissed her, she decided to give her veil a trial run. Slipping it on her head and savoring the feel of the folds caressing her skin, she made her entrance to the gathered assembly.

The image that greeted their eyes was breathtaking, and Tabby was pronounced "splendid". Tabby blushed with pleasure as she twirled around.

The preparation time was disrupted by the delivery of the mail, and Tabby quickly flipped through the stack for any items of noticeable interest. "Oh," she groaned, slitting one of the envelopes and peering inside. "Just look at this!"

"What is it?" Sugarberry said anxiously. Everyone gathered close.

"Address labels." Tabby sullenly tossed the sheets down on the table.

"What... what's so bad about free address labels?" Tamara ventured.

"They finally got my name right," Tabby muttered. "After ten years of consistently getting it wrong, they finally corrected it. You know, I really hated it when they sent them to me in the name of 'Tabby Fershund Jr.' "

"But... isn't that good that they corrected it?" Silver Swirl said tentatively.

Tabby scowled. "Yeah, when my name and address is going to be changed in an hour. Why do I even bother? I think I'll just order custom-made ones."

Everyone offered the proper sympathy, and then it was back to dressing-up. Some jewelry accents were added, and several of the Mysterious Cloaked Flower Deliverers came with the bouquets. By this point, it was time to depart for the church, and Agatha rounded everyone up.

Before going out the door, Tabby suddenly remembered something important that still needed to be attended to and handed her bouquet over to Elaine. Scurrying back into the house, she searched out Callie, who was sleeping in a sunbeam in the living room. Tabby picked the fluffy cat up and held her tight.

"Oh, Callie, after I leave here you're officially Mom's," Tabby said, sniffling as she buried her face in Callie's thick mane. "I hope you'll get along okay with her, Miss Callie. And I hope you don't mind that I'm giving you over to her. But now I'm going to have to get along with Thomas' Sophia and Melinda, and I just don't think you'd like two other cats around. I hope Sophia and Melinda like me as well as you do-- well, if they like me less, I guess I won't be left alive for very long. But, oh, Callie, I'm going to miss you!" With this farewell said, Tabby set Callie down, and the cat promptly slunk out of the room. The bride was finally ready to depart.

* * *

Guests slowly began trickling into the church, and two couples of higher importance were among them. As it turned out, both Reginald and Helga Fairfax and Cecil and Cecilia Monk mounted the steps at the same time. It did not take long for them to notice each other. A meeting was inevitable.

"I did not know that the Monks were attending," Helga said crisply, turning her head to the other pair.

"We thought it would be a gesture of friendliness if we were here," Cecil said stiffly.

"Thomas is a Fairfax. It is essential that we be here," Reginald challenged.

"There's Monk blood involved in this, too," Cecilia pointed out. "If Caprice and Dietrich could put aside this silly feud, then why can't we?"

"There is good reason for this 'silly feud', as you call it," Reginald stated.

Helga backed him up. "The Fairfax publishing house has always been superior to the Monk enterprise."

"Helga," Cecilia reflected, "isn't there enough room for both of our enterprises just as their was enough room in the hearts of our children to share their love?"

"There's no place for sentimentality here," Helga declared, taking her husband's foreleg and dragging him into the church.

"A wedding with no sentiment wouldn't be much of a wedding," Cecilia muttered to her husband as they, too, headed onward inside the building.

* * *

Tabby was nervous again, but it was an excited nervous rather than a frightened nervous. All thoughts of the wedding vanished from her mind, however, as they reached the church and she caught sight of Baby Noddins, decked out in a lovely floral crown of her own, running towards her. It was a job in itself to keep this talkative baby pony at bay.

"Twabby, Twabby!" Baby Noddins squealed. "Ain't it excwiting? I'm your fwower girl! Yay! I'm gonna be a really good fwower girl!"

Tabby pushed Baby Noddins back and kept her at foreleg's length in order to preserve her bouquet of light sensor flowers from destruction. "Just concentrate on what you're supposed to be doing and I'm sure you'll be fine. It would be a good idea to practice keeping quiet before the ceremony starts."

"Oh, I will cwoncentrate!" Baby Noddins cried, obviously ignoring Tabby's advice. "I'm going to cwoncentrate very hard. Twamara showed me just how to throw those petals, an' I'll cwoncentrate on throwin' 'em right. Baby Falling Leaves said I should toss them like baseballs, but then I found out that she was lyin'--"

"Baby Noddins, Baby Noddins, let's not bother Tabby." It was then that Frostflake intervened and grabbed her daughter's hoof. "I trust she'll behave for the ceremony," she said apologetically to Tabby before dragging the baby pony off.

"Yeah," Tabby said weakly. As a side note to Tamara, she hissed, "Are you still sure it was a good idea to include a baby pony in the wedding?"

"Are you still sure it was a good idea to include a Bushwoolie?" Tamara shot back. "Not to mention a fire-breathing dragon, and a pirate, and a Bigfoot..."

"Baby ponies are more vicious than all of those combined," Tabby replied calmly.

"Let's not start bickering," Agatha interrupted, coming up and taking Tabby's hoof. "Let's get to the dressing room and fix you up with your veil."

"Elaine, you do still have Ah-Loh, don't you?" Tabby said anxiously.

"Right here," Elaine winked, holding the sleeping Furby up.

"And I hope Thomas didn't forget Doo-Moh."

A distinctive shout of "Hey, party!" was then heard echoing from the main part of the church, and Elaine giggled. "It sounds like someone has already set her up."

Agatha fidgeted with Tabby's veil, making sure it was arranged perfectly, while the bridesmaids did last minute primping of their own. Tabby held up the final piece of her ensemble tentatively. "I still don't understand what the use of this is," she complained.

"It's the garter, Tabitha!" Agatha said in exasperation. "Must you complain about everything that is traditional?"

"Yeah... but it serves no use," Tabby frowned, holding the band of cloth out in the air. "I don't get it. Why is it traditional?"

"Just put it on, Tabitha."

"But I want to know what purpose it serves!"

"It has a strip of blue on it, Tabitha. There isn't any blue on the veil."

"My symbol is blue."

"Tabitha, just put the garter on."

After a short struggle, the piece had been placed on Tabby's back leg, and the bride was finally complete: her Atlantean crown that served as old (even though no one really knew that); her veil that was new; a delicate gold chain around her neck decorated with flowers of diamonds that was borrowed from Tiffany; and... the blue garter.

Tabby had no more time to ponder over the use of a garter, because Merry Moments popped-in then, with camera (and Quarterback) in tow. "Ready for some pictures?" she grinned.

A few shots were taken of Tabby, the bridesmaids, and the excited flower girl; and by then more guests were arriving as an indication of the nearing of the processional. Strains of "Shoop-bee-doo, shoop-shoop-bee-doo" could be heard from the choir loft; being popular singers for affairs such as this, the Sea Ponies had their own tub of water up in the choir.

Spike whisked Agatha off to be seated; as instructed by her daughter, she took Ah-Loh along with her. She clasped her daughter's hoof and smiled reassuringly before going off. Tabby was only able to muster a small, nervous smile in return, and her legs started to shake.

The bridesmaids mingled a bit with the groomsmen before the stallions took their places at the front of the church. Baby Noddins was on the scene again, and this time with Friendly-- and the rest of the Bushwoolies. Apparently it hadn't sunk in on the fuzzy creatures yet that it was only Friendly who would be going up the aisle; they all clustered around him, jabbering excitedly.

Friendly himself looked rather stylish with a bowtie around his neck and his hair up in a high ponytail. Unfortunately, he wasn't trying to keep his friends in control, and the two rings were soon whisked from his hands. The Bushwoolies exclaimed over these glittering objects as they were passed over the seething horde. "Pretty rings, yeah. Shiny, really shiny, yeah, yeah. Wedding today, ring-bearer, yeah."

Cheery made the revelation that one of the rings fit perfectly over his head as a crown; and Rosy, being a smaller Bushwoolie, wore the other as a necklace. Then, of course, all the furry creatures wanted to try them out. It was only at that point that anyone noticed what the Bushwoolies were doing.

"Bushwoolies! Bushwoolies!" Tamara ran back with a panicked look on her face. "Put them down! Put them down! Give them to Friendly! You're not going with him; you're supposed to be seated in one of the pews!"

Luckily, all the Bushwoolies were rounded-up, and Tiny the Bigfoot took charge of them and led them off to their seats. Friendly reclaimed possession of the rings and set them back on the pillow, and then stumbled towards Baby Noddins. "Whoops, almost dropped 'em, yeah, yeah."

A change in the sea ponies' song signaled the start of the procession. Tiffany was the first to walk down the aisle; she smiled dazzlingly and her steps were as poised as could be, but she might have been slightly keeping her distance from the stallion who escorted her to her place. Cliff was one of the Xtreme Ponies, after all, and he was rather rough for Tiffany's tastes.

As Clever Clover met Silver Swirl at the altar, the Vulpix in the front pew said an appreciative "Vul, vul." This was one of Clever Clover's latest catches in the line of Pokémon, and the fox-like creature refused to be put in his PokéBall. The stallion had obtained permission for his Pokémon to sit in the front pew... but he hadn't particularly wanted her next to Doo-Moh, Clever Clover noted with a frown.

"Maybe... me scared," Doo-Moh said, frightened, as Clever Clover passed by.

"No light! No fun!" Ah-Loh agreed.

Tamara was also a little cautious walking at Barnacle's side. As Tabby had predicted, he was still in his pirate hat and eye patch... but, as Barnacle had justified himself, they were his "good" set. Plus, he wore a cutlass at his side, which made Tamara rather nervous. One never knew what to expect from a pirate, even if he was a friend of one's cousin.

Sugarberry and Vanguard were next, and were probably the most relaxed set. Sugarberry was as pretty as ever, and Vanguard had come back from Italy with a new, fashionable haircut.

Elaine was next in line, easily set apart from the others by the Furby medallion that hung from her neck; and she wore it with pride. She grinned at Equinox as he came to escort her.

Tabby's anxiety mounted more and more as her friends left her behind, one-by-one. She was left staring intently down into the bright mass of light sensor flowers she carried. Hardly conscious of how tightly she was clutching her father's hoof or her bouquet, she directed her gaze straight ahead, but was so engrossed in her thoughts that she saw nothing.

Tamara held her breath as it was time for the flower girl and ringbearer to come out. The lavender unicorn with her basket of petals and the blue furball with his pillow of rings appeared in the doorway and began walking slowly down the aisle as directed... but then something went wrong. The Bushwoolie, caught up in the excitement of the moment, suddenly curled-up into tumbleweed form and rolled on down the aisle leaving Baby Noddins far behind. Tamara and Tiffany closed their eyes and looked away, not wanting to see the outcome. The other members of the bridal party had no time to react, and looked on with a mixture of curiosity, amusement, and concern.

Friendly was rolling at his top speed, and only stopped when he ran into Father Isaac's hooves. The Bushwoolie bounced back into his regular shape as he laid there on his back. "Whoops, sorry, yeah, yeah," he said apologetically, staring up at the priest. He groped around for what he had been carrying, and then jumped up in a panic. "Ah! Where rings, yeah, yeah?"

Luck was on Friendly's side. The two shining circles came rolling up the aisle right after him, and he skillfully caught one in each hand. "Got 'em!" he declared triumphantly.

Baby Noddins, after Friendly has rolled on ahead, had paused momentarily and giggled at the Bushwoolie's antics; but she quickly composed herself, determined to do her best at Tabby's wedding. Walking forward primly, she tossed the flower petals with an expert hoof. She smiled proudly as she reached the altar.

All color had drained from Tabby's face, and her knees were knocking together violently. "Well, daughter, it's time," Hubert said softly.

Tabby nodded, almost imperceptibly, and took a small step forward. But then panic overtook her again, and she stood there, frozen. All the resolve she had built up since her last breakdown crumbled. But the seconds were ticking away, she knew, and she couldn't simply stand there forever.

Tears threatened to spill from her eyes as she stood, doubting all her motives for getting into this. The Society of Krulotin had wanted to manipulate her before they had reformed their ways. What if they had actually manipulated her into accepting Thomas' proposal? Was this what she really wanted?

Tabby was seized with a sudden delirious inspiration as she glanced out the open door behind that led to the outside world. She'd run out... yes, she'd run out and hide from everyone. She'd change her name and find a new residence in a far-off land, never to be bothered with such things as this. It seemed to be a grand idea... but, no, it just wouldn't be practical in the long run, she decided after a moment's thought.

Suddenly all her apprehensions melted away as if the sun had just come out from behind a cloud in her heart. She felt more calm and at ease with life than she ever had before. Her rapid flurry of thoughts, which had lasted but a second but had seemed an eternity, vanished. Taking a deep breath and smiling at her father, she declared, "I'm ready."

And it was with all the grace of an Atlantean royal that Tabby stepped down the aisle. She held her head firmly in the air as she passed by all the spectators. She noticed from the lack of noise that Ah-Loh and Doo-Moh must have fallen asleep, and hoped that her mother would remember to wake them up again. And then she caught Thomas' gaze, and she blushed visibly for having even considering backing out. They were meant to be, like everyone said; and she would be happier with him than in any location she could run to on the globe.

A glint of sunlight through the stained glass windows caught the tiara on her head, and it sparkled radiantly. Tabby winked at the two Furbys to whom she was drawing near, and whom Agatha had re-awoken. Ah-Loh looked quite cute with a small bowtie strapped around the... neck region of his body, and Doo-Moh was rather elegant with a crown of flowers on her head.

Tabby and her father continued down the aisle until they reached the spot where Thomas waited. Hubert kissed his daughter as he passed her hoof on to the groom, and returned to his place beside Agatha and Ah-Loh. Reading the tension on Tabby's face, Thomas smiled and squeezed her hoof reassuringly before proceeding onward to Fr. Isaac.

Fr. Isaac, looking very much like the priest indeed with his black body and white hair, welcomed the bride and groom and then returned to the altar where the Liturgy of the Word was celebrated. After this, he gave his homily, reminding all present of the dignity of wedded love and the responsibilities of married ponies. Tabby went through this as if in a dream, not even trying to control the shaking of her legs and the paling of her face. Thomas stood firmly at her side, hardly believing the whole thing was real but acutely aware of Tabby's apprehensions.

Fr. Isaac then came forward, and Tabby and Thomas stood before him for the actual exchange of vows. The priest pony smiled at the congregation and then addressed the couple. "My dear friends, you have come together in this church so that the Lord may seal and strengthen your love in the presence of the entire community. Christ abundantly blesses this love. He has already consecrated you in baptism, and now he enriches and strengthens you by a special sacrament so that you may assume the duties of marriage in mutual and lasting fidelity. And so, in the presence of the Church, I ask you to state your intentions."

Fr. Isaac continued, "Thomas and Tabitha, have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage?"

"I have," Thomas said, looking cautiously over at Tabby.

Luckily, Tabby was able to once again regain some of her stamina for this part of the ceremony. "I have," she repeated, holding her head erect.

"Will you love and honor each other as stallion and wife for the rest of your lives?"

"I will."

"I... will."

"Will you accept foals lovingly and bring them up according to the Church?"

Thomas promptly answered, "I will."

Tabby, after hesitating a moment and raising an eyebrow at Baby Noddins, also responded, "I will."

"Since it is your intention to enter into marriage, join your right hooves and declare your consent."

Obligingly the two did so, and Tabby was feeling increasingly confident of the entire situation. As they were about to go on with the verbal vows, one of the Furbys suddenly spoke-up. "Me big hungry, wah!" Ah-Loh protested.

This set a wave of tittering throughout the congregation, and a genuine grin lit Tabby's face, which Thomas was glad to see. But, as he was about to speak, something happened-- something that was much more ominous than a Furby.

The doors of the church suddenly burst open (the ushers had closed them after Tabby had gone up the aisle), and a bright yellow stallion appeared. With his hooves set on either side of the door frame, he made a menacing sight. "Hey, yo, I object!" his voice rang through the church before anyone could react.

Everyone was in shock as they turned to see the source of this protest, but some were more upset than others. Naturally, the bride and groom themselves were the most affected by this development. Thomas instinctively pulled Tabby closer to him. But the appearance of this strange stallion only filled Tabby with renewed drive. Pulling away from her fiancé, she stood to face Guido Casale herself... but not before she turned to her mother.

"Mom," she said in exasperation, "I told you I didn't want him invited." Her eyes frosting over, she turned her gaze to Guido. "And you. What are you here for?"

Oh, he's cute, Tiffany thought in approval to herself.

"You're mine, Tabby," Guido said evenly. "Your mother promised you to me long ago. You can't marry this... this..."

"That was only last year, Guido!" Agatha retorted indignantly, standing to face him. "Everyone has forgotten about it. What do you mean causing this disruption at my daughter's wedding?"

The Furbys whimpered in fear as Guido came closer. "My scared," Ah-Loh said.

"Hug me," Doo-Moh pleaded.

"ARR," said Barnacle menacingly as he stood up from his seat in the pew, his cutlass drawn.

Knowing the intensity of the situation yet not wanting any serious bodily injuries to come out of it, Equinox and Clever Clover exchanged a quick glance and nodded at each other. Their message to the other was clear: The guy's gone nuts! In a fluid motion, the two stallions tackled Barnacle back down into the pew to prevent any further incidents.

Guido was oblivious to this; or if he was aware of it, he ignored it. "You admit then, Agatha, that Tabitha was promised to me?" he challenged. "And then you left me hanging and finally decided that I wasn't good enough for her?"

"I will admit that I thought in the past that you and Tabitha would make a lovely couple," Agatha said crisply. "But never once did I promise that she would be yours."

"Don't I get a say in this?" Tabby demanded, speaking up for herself again. She looked piercingly at Guido. "Or would you and Mom like to further discuss payment terms over me?" Feeling a bit sarcastic, she added, "Check, money order, or cash?"

"Do you accept credit cards?" Guido pulled out a wallet and gestured towards Agatha.

Tabby stood her ground firmly and tapped her hoof impatiently. "Guido, I want you out of the vicinity. Now."

"But don't you want to take a look at this first?" Guido said abruptly, thrusting a paper at Tabby. "Even if Agatha doesn't recall things the way I do, this will change your mind, Tabitha."

Tabby stared at it blankly. "What is it?"

"It's my complete financial history," Guido said proudly. "If you take a few moments to study that, you'll see that I am clearly the wisest choice. This Thomas here certainly doesn't have as stellar a financial background as I do."

He really is rich, Tiffany thought in awe. I like this guy. Tabitha really had the chance to marry him before? Peasants-- who can figure?

Thomas was about to say something himself, but Tabby waved him back. This was her fight, and she was determined to win. Ripping the paper in two, she threw it back at Guido. "I don't care what your financial background is, Guido," she said coolly. "I can't stand being in your presence for more than a minute, and all the money in the world can't change that."

"Tabby, I don't think you saw--"

"This isn't about money!" Tabby shrieked; and upon realizing she was in church, she lowered her tone a bit. "Can't you get money out of your mind for once? I don't like you, Guido, okay? If you thought for one second I was going to marry you, you're dead wrong."

"But look at Thomas, Tabby. He's--" Guido's interjection was to no avail. Tabby was on a tirade, and there was no stopping her.

"He's what?" Tabby challenged. "To be sure, he's not obsessed with money as you are. And I find that to be refreshing. Guido, you've been so intent on gaining riches all your life that you haven't seen that there is more in life than a lot of jangles. There's a certain something called 'love' that you don't seem to have learned the definition of yet. And, as surprising as it may sound to you, it doesn't spring from wealth. And if you dare think that you and your big company could take me from the one I loved-- well, you're wrong. You're just wrong. You're wrong on most everything. It's Thomas that I love, and you can't change that, Guido. Live with it."

At this point, everyone gathered there in the church broke out clapping on Tabby's behalf. Thomas came from behind Tabby and softly laid a hoof on her shoulder. He knew then that there was nothing to fear... from Guido or from anyone else. His pride in her was exceeding all bounds at that moment. She may have been afraid beyond measure to come here today, but her love had always remained even if it had been covered over by fear. And she had just stood in front of the whole congregation and turned down Guido and all his wealth in favor... of him! He, Thomas Fairfax, a moderately well-off veterinarian, in favor of a multi-millionaire who could give her anything in life. The queen of Atlantis was still willing to take him!

Tabby tilted her head around to look at him, and smiled. Her ammunition of words exhausted, she threw her forelegs around Thomas' neck and nestled her head on his shoulder. It didn't matter any more what Guido said or did.

But Tabby's dramatic address may have had a personal effect on more ponies than just Guido. Reginald and Helga were entranced by this Tabitha's eloquence of speech, and sat transfixed as they listened to her. Many images of their son Dietrich flew through their minds-- and a few of their rejected daughter-in-law Caprice. What Tabby spoke of... could it have been true of those two as well? Had they tried to stop the course of true love? The eyes of Cecil and Cecilia were also more than a little damp.

And, after Tabby's blunt refusal speech, Guido stood there, at a loss for words. He didn't know what to make of the situation. Of course Tabby would come running back to him! It hadn't played out any other way in all his fantasies. How could she choose this commoner over him and all his jangles? He simply couldn't understand. It wasn't possible. Guido appeared as if frozen in time, shocked and surprised beyond belief. The clapping of the congregation rang dully in his ears.

Guido may have stood there for all eternity unless a certain someone hadn't jumped up out of her seat in the church and pushed her way out to the aisle. "Guido, I knew you were going to try something like this," she hissed upon approaching him.

Guido slowly turned around. "Clare?" he questioned, blinking.

"Yes, it's me," the lavender mare said defiantly. "Tabby is right, Guido. Not all the jangles in the world could make her love you the way she does Thomas. Let them be." Before Guido could put in another word, Clare had grabbed Guido by the hoof and was dragging him out of the church. The stallion was still too in shock to protest against this treatment.

I hope he's at the reception later, Tiffany thought cheerfully.

Tabby was back to her old self again. Guido's entrance had at least been diversion enough to melt off her apprehensions for good... she hoped. Now that Guido was gone, she smiled brightly as she took Thomas' hoof and turned back to Fr. Isaac. "Well, now, where were we?" she asked.

Thomas gazed at her adoringly as he once again began on his line. "I, Thomas, take you, Tabitha, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life."

And, without a moment's hesitation, Tabby did her part. "I, Tabitha--" she cringed momentarily-- "take you, Thomas, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life." She was happy! She was gloriously happy! She had done it!

Fr. Isaac continued, "You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. What God has joined, ponies must not divide." And everyone in the church responded, "Amen."

Friendly hopped over to Fr. Isaac with the rings, and the priest took them and prayed over them. "May the Lord bless these rings which you give to each other as the sign of your love and fidelity."

Thomas took the wedding ring and placed it on Tabby's foreleg while saying, "Tabitha, take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity."

And Tabby took Thomas' ring and placed it on his foreleg, repeating the pledge. She also pondered how minuscule the rings that humans like Megan wore must be. She smiled radiantly when the deed was done.

Fr. Isaac had the next words. "Thomas, you may now kiss your bride!"

And it wasn't known to many present of the two great kingdoms that were united in that seal of a kiss. In fact, the full story was knowledge that only the Mysterious Cloaked Flower Deliverers (many of whom had gathered in the church as well, milling around in the back and murmuring to one another) possessed. But that made it no less true-- yes, the cities of ancient Dream Valley and Atlantis were now joined as one! Their rulers were not seen as nobility in the eyes of most citizens, but that couldn't change what they were born to be.

But it didn't matter much if the couple at the altar was fully aware of their positions or not. They were too wrapped up in the bliss of the moment to think about anything besides their new spouse. They both smiled as they finally pulled away from each other, and turned to the congregation.

"I now present you Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fairfax!" Fr. Isaac announced, and applause followed.

"Party!" Ah-Loh whooped.

"Big fun, wah!" Doo-Moh readily added.

Being delirious with glee and filled with light-hearted excitement, Tabby felt as if she flew back down the aisle. Thomas wasn't in any better shape as he gripped Tabby's hoof, thankful beyond belief that he had managed to capture her heart once and for all.

Baby Noddins, giggling with delight, skipped along behind with Friendly, who was taking large hops to keep up with her. Elaine and Equinox came next, with the rest of the attendants following. Agatha beamed with pride, and Hubert looked rather joyful himself.

With that accomplished, a receiving line was soon formed outside the church and greetings were exchanged with numerous friends and family members. Many there had never before met Tabby's grandparents and great-grandparents, so it was an interesting experience for all.

Henry and Sophia, Hubert's parents, were especially happy for their granddaughter and her new husband. Red-haired Sophia had always been excited to hear of Tabby's Atlantean explorations, and Henry was pleased that she was following in her father's adventurous hoofsteps. They moved on down the line in order to get some words in with their son, too.

Aphra and Pip, great-grandparents of Tabby's, were able to fit in a little conversation with the couple before moving on. "Yes, Philip and Misty Haze would have liked to come; but they're getting on in age, and they were more comfortable staying in Florida," Pip disclosed, referring to his parents, Tabby's great-great-grandparents.

Latimer and Evania, Garnett and Cadenza, Ingemar and Tabitha (Tabby's namesake), Blitzkrieg and Vanilla... they were all happy to have made it to the celebration. Tabby automatically extended her hoof when a pink stallion whom she did not recognize approached; she hoped for an introduction.

"You made a lovely bride, Tabitha," the stallion commented courteously. "I trust you'll treat Thomas well."

"Yes. Very lovely indeed," a pale blue pegasus who came next said softly. "Thomas, she is wonderful. You'll be very happy with her."

"I already know I will be," Thomas said fondly. "And Tabby, these are my grandparents. Cecil and Cecilia Monk."

"Your... your grandparents?" Tabby stuttered, drawing in her breath sharply. "I didn't think-- I mean, I didn't expect-- that is, we're glad you were able to make it," she finished abruptly. Were... were Thomas' grandparents really there? With no apparent ill-will towards their grandson? She glanced questioningly at Thomas, but there was no time for an explanation. Another shock was coming up.

She found herself faced with a white unicorn stallion, who bore a striking resemblance to Thomas with his golden hair; and apparently his wife, a delicate yellow mare with an intricate flowery symbol.

"It was a very, very touching ceremony," the mare declared. "Tabitha, your handling of that Guido was perfect."

"Thomas, you've made a wise match," the stallion added. "Mares so dedicated and loyal as this one here are hard to come by."

"I'm glad you were still able to come to the ceremony," Thomas said a bit hesitantly, but sincerely. "These are my other grandparents, Tabby... Reginald and Helga Fairfax."

"A pleasure to meet you," Tabby said, smiling brightly, not knowing how else to act. She would have to get some explanations out of Thomas later.

"Perhaps we can get in some more time together at the reception," the stallion now identified as Reginald said before he and his wife moved along in the line.

The next introduction by Thomas was less of a shocker. "This is my unofficial aunt, Tanzy," he said, grinning. "She's the closest I ever had to the real thing."

"Ah, Thomas, this Tabby of yours is a wonder!" the vibrant green mare exclaimed. "Imagine the nerve of that guy with the Italian accent--! Well, it's no use worrying about it now as he's off the scene and you're both married. Wonderful ceremony!"

"Oh, Thomas!" a vibrant yellow pony squealed excitedly. "I can't believe you're actually married now! Now I must find out everything on this wife of yours." She winked broadly at Tabby as they shook hooves. "I'm Solstice, by the way. Equinox's twin sister."

The next family of notable importance was the Moores. Lynette, Corydon, and their three other daughters had all managed to make it to the wedding of Tabby. Lynette was Agatha's sister and Tamara's mother. Tamara was the second eldest of the four children, and was happy to see her parents and sisters again.

"I always thought a double wedding for you and Tamara would be nice," Lynette said laughingly as she passed through. "Preferably if you could have found twin brothers for the grooms. Wouldn't that have simply been adorable?"

"Oh, it would have!" Tamara sighed dreamily. "But it's too late now. Of course, life is a lot easier being single. Ever since Tex dumped me, I've been able to accomplish so much!"

"Hey!" Tabby shot back. "Originally you ridiculed me for being single; now you're ridiculing me for being married!"

"Kidding, kidding!" Tamara giggled.

Tabby's Uncle Dallas and Aunt Bisque were next up, and then various other friends of the family-- Maria-Giuseppe and Liborio, Lucia, Catherina, Saberio, and Battista were all from Italy; Malteeze, Protius, Pierre, Kracken, Davey, and Jones all from Barnacle's wild crew; the rest of the Xtreme Ponies; Sugarberry's parents, sisters, nieces, and nephews; Vanguard's parents; Tarquin, Tess, and kittens; the Bushwoolies; and many more.

Tabby smiled brightly at Barnacle's odd crew and their interesting remarks. "I didn't want to come, but Master Protius said I had to," Malteeze, the cat-man, said emotionlessly.

"I do not know who you are, but none ze less, I wish you well and much 'appiness in ze years to come," Pierre exclaimed exuberantly with a wide smile and a sweeping bow.

"I heard this was a party, mon," a hyper Bushwoolie who was either Davey or Jones commented. "Where's the food?"

"Yeah, yeah. Me hungry, mon!" his identical brother agreed.

"Barnacle said if we came we could eat all the free food we wanted," Kracken added from behind.

"Hey, mon, is this the food line?" Davey questioned eagerly.

"The reception, guys. The reception," Tabby explained patiently to the Bushwoolies. "The food is at the reception."

Jones looked up at Tabby and Thomas. "Reception? I thought this was a wedding."

"Yeah, who's getting married, anyway?" Davey added.

Tabby cocked an eyebrow. "Did you have a good view, guys?"

"No, we were too short to see over the pew," Jones said.

"And the ponies in front of us," Davey put-in.

"It's us, you two. Me and Thomas. We're the ones that got married."

"Oh, so you're Thomas!" Kracken exclaimed. "I was all mixed up at the wedding, because I kept thinking you were the purple guy with the yellow hair. Uh, well, congratulations anyway." And before Tabby and Thomas could reply, the three scurried off to find some food.

Protius the parrot came next. "As you wander through the seething quagmire of life," he stated matter-of-factly, "do not lose heart, for you need only look to the waning beacon of the night to be your guide into the past."

"Wow," Tabby said, wide-eyed. "Outrageous!"

"What was that he was trying to get across?" Thomas hissed into her ear.

"I don't know. I thought you'd make sense of it."

"You're the queen of Atlantis. I'm leaving it up to you to decipher it."

Meanwhile, Protius had mysteriously vanished. Tabby cringed slightly as the Xtreme Ponies passed by. She still didn't trust them, and didn't fully understand why Thomas had befriended them. They had odd hair styles, listened to strange music, and did extreme sports-- three strong points against them, in Tabby's opinion.

Of course, she had never really seen them all this close before. She had to admit that Bungee's dreadlocks were pretty cool, and even Luge's style was kind of outrageous. Blade seemed to be rather normal in comparison to the others; Jet appeared to be rather hyper, but Tabby could deal with hyperness. Mogul was probably the toughest-looking one with his shaved head and earring; and she had to admit that Cliff hadn't been so bad in what she had seen of him in recent times.

However, the Xtreme Ponies were still not the ordinary citizens of Ponyland. "Dude!" Jet said emphatically as he passed by.

"Dude," Bungee added.

"Uh... thanks," Tabby shrugged, and glanced over at Thomas. He didn't appear to be phased by their repetitious greetings.

"Dude," Luge said; and with her French accent, it almost came across respectfully.

"Well, uh, 'dude' to you, too," Tabby said uncertainly.

"Du-u-ude," Mogul put-in.

"Dude," Tabby said, getting in the spirit of things.

Blade stepped forward next, and Tabby assumed her comment would be the same as the rest of her gang. "Wishing you all the best," she smiled. The comment threw Tabby for a loop; she was happy to see that one of them did not use the constant refrain. Blade started out on her way; but as an afterthought, she paused and looked back at Tabby. "Dude!" she finished, and then quickly ran ahead to catch up with the gang.

Well, maybe not, Tabby thought. But she now saw the Xtreme Ponies in a new light, and began to think that they could be valuable allies after all.

Tabby, of course, did not like baby ponies; but nevertheless, Sugarberry's young niece, the daughter of Gooseberry, stepped forward when she reached Tabby. "I've got a Furby," Wineberry enlightened.

"Dude!" Tabby said automatically, but then realized what she had said and quickly corrected herself. "You do? Good for you," she said briskly. "Do you have it with you?"

"Yes. Aunt Sugarberry said that Furbys were invited to the reception. She's a Baby Furby," Wineberry added.

"Fabulous! I'll get to know her later, then."

Tabby was delighted to see the next person in line– the mysterious dude with the St.Bernard! She had not known his exact address, so she had given an extra invitation to Tiny the Bigfoot to deliver to this odd character if they happened upon one another. Apparently, Tiny had been successful and the human had been able to make it to the wedding– and with his dog, even!

The man reached for something out of his coat while saying, "I wish you both well, but always be on guard for evils that may arise. This may be of use to you someday." With this said, he handed a dusty, tattered scroll over to Tabby; and then he was gone before either of them had a chance to reply.

Thomas looked curiously at the scroll. "Do you think it could be–"

"No, it's not a magic injection recipe," Tabby said abruptly, closing her eyes and placing a hoof on her forehead as if in very deep thought. "It's an odd prophecy concerning the future and fate of the entire universe."

"Wha–?" Thomas hadn't been expecting that sort of a reply.

"Oh, but it's not important now." Smiling broadly, Tabby tucked the scroll away and made no further reference to her last comment. Thomas shrugged. The scroll could wait; and besides, Tabby's attention had been grabbed by the next couple passing by.

There was much squealing over the entrance of Tarquin, Tess, and their new brood of kittens. Tabby hadn't seen much of the two since they had been married, so it was wonderful to be reunited with her beloved Meowth again and his wife.

Tess, of course, was glad to introduce the kittens-- miniature replicas of their parents, though they had not learned how to walk upright yet. "There's Julia and Diane," Tess said, pointing to the two kittens with frilly bows around their necks. "And then Nicholas, Cletis, and Myron."

"They're so adorable," Tabby cooed, crouching down to get a better view of them. "I love them!"

"I hope they all evolve into beautiful Persians someday!" Tamara squealed.

Little Julia mewed softly and smiled up at everyone in the line as she daintily scratched behind her ear. Diane washed her face with the utmost of care with her tiny paw, until her brother Myron tackled her over onto the ground.

"Come along now, children," Tess instructed, herding up the little Meowths. "We're holding up the line."

Everyone was relieved when at last the final guest had left the premises, for they had all tired of shaking hooves and exchanging the necessary formalities. With the church cleared out, they all headed back inside for more pictures to be taken-- and, of course, to discuss the high points of the ceremony.

"Oh, Tabitha, Tabitha, I never imagined that Guido would do anything like that!" Agatha burst out as soon as the bridal party was alone. "You must forgive me; I never would have asked him to come if I had known that he still harbored bitter feelings for being rejected."

"I was about to die of fright when he came bursting in like that!" Elaine admitted.

"I can't believe that Guido actually protested like that," Tamara said in shock. "It's so undignified, especially for one of his breeding."

"I thought he was rather handsome," Tiffany interjected.

"But, Tabby, you were wonderful!" Sugarberry gushed. "He looked so stunned when he realized that you were brushing him off without a second thought!"

"And if Tabby's speech didn't get him, Barnacle's sword would have," Equinox added.

"What?" Silver Swirl gasped.

"Didn't you see? When Guido came in, he jumped up with his sword unsheathed," Clever Clover said. "Equinox and I had to hold him back."

"ARR, and if we weren't in a church, I would have had him," Barnacle said remorsefully.

"I'm just glad I was on the far end," Cliff commented.

"Lucky you. I almost got my tail cut off," Vanguard lamented.

"ARR, quit your complainin'. I never came close to your tail."

"Ooh, it was excwiting!" Baby Noddins said exuberantly.

"Yeah, yeah," Friendly agreed.

"ARR, would you like to see my sword?" Barnacle offered.

"NO!" Frostflake shrieked, and grabbed her child away from the pirate.

"It reminded me of the time Lord Cobblestone tried to break up the tribal counsel of Ing-Man-Too," Hubert nodded.

"The tribal counsel of Ing-Man-Too? You were there?" Equinox exclaimed.

"That mysterious gathering is whispered of in legends, but no one's ever been there," Solstice, who was hanging around, said in awe. "Most think it's just a myth."

"Less of a myth, and more of a party," Hubert said, downplaying his insight.

"So who's this Lord Cobblestone?" Solstice queried.

"Lord Butter Pecan Cobblestone, an old friend of mine, but we just called him Rocky Road."

"Hey, can't we get a word in edgewise?" Tabby interjected laughingly.

"But, Tabby, they're right. You were wonderful!" Thomas gazed at her adoringly. "You're something special, that's for sure. Not everyone could have said what you did."

"Aw, it was nothing," Tabby murmured, her face flushing. "It wasn't so hard to do when I meant all of it."

"I wouldn't be able to bear it if anyone took you from me, Tabby. You understand that, don't you?" Thomas' voice was getting choked from emotion. "I thought Guido had the power to do that. But then you stood up in front of everyone, Tabby, and... I was so very proud of you. I still am. It would have been so easy for Guido..."

"Oh, I know." Tabby melted in his embrace. "But it's all in the past now, you see, so we can just laugh over it--"

"Perfect shot!" Merry Moments cheered, the click of a camera and a bright flash of light bringing the newlyweds out of their reverie.

"Ah! The Furbys! I forgot all about the Furbys!" Tabby yelped. "Mom, where are they?" She scurried off frantically in search of the Furbys.

"Well, I'm not sure what that has to do with photo-taking, but it works," Merry Moments shrugged. Soon after, Tabby had produced the two Furbys, who yawned after their nap.

"Cock-a-doodle-doo!" Ah-Loh called.

"Woah, me big sleep," Doo-Moh said in awe.

"They have to be in the pictures, too," Tabby explained sweetly to Merry Moments.

The picture-taking session went smoothly, and even Baby Noddins behaved herself. Snatches of gossip were still shared between shots, but there wasn't room for any real conversation until Merry Moments had dismissed them and they were on their way to the reception site.

"So, Thomas," Tabby brought up briskly. "What's the deal with these grandparents of yours?"

"Yes, Thomas," Elaine chimed in. "I must say it was a shock to see them. What's the story?"

"Ah... well... no, I guess you wouldn't have been told about that, would you," Thomas mused.

"No, we weren't! Why were they there? Why weren't they at your throat? Why did they act somewhat civil to us? What happened?" Tabby did not like waiting for a story to come out.

"I suppose they had a chance to mellow out after all these years," Thomas reflected. "Actually, it was a surprise to me when they showed up in town, too."

"You mean you saw them before the ceremony?" Elaine said in surprise.

"Yes, the Fairfaxes dropped in on me last night and the Monks this morning. I thought for sure they wouldn't come, let alone come see me beforehand."

"Well, what did they say?" Tabby prodded. She wasn't satisfied until she had every last detail.

"They were trying to wish us well, I suppose, in their own manner," Thomas said slowly. "You might even say they've reconciled with us."

"Reconciled with us?" Elaine gasped.

"Granted, the Monks were a bit more outright in requesting it; but I think forgiveness was the goal of the Fairfaxes, too, deep down," Thomas said thoughtfully.

"I thought they all seemed rather nice in the receiving line," Elaine murmured. "I didn't know what had happened. Will... will they be at the reception?"

"I believe so."

"My grandparents." Elaine used the word as if saying it for the first time.

"Oh," Tabby said contemplatively after the explanation. "Wow! That's rather outrageous, don't you think?"

"And you're partly responsible for this again, Tabby," Thomas pointed out.


"Of course! It was our wedding that brought them to town; and if it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't be getting married, and therefore they wouldn't have come."

"I guess that's true," Tabby said contemplatively.

"You see, Tabby, what good luck you've been for me?" Thomas commented.

"Oh, but it works the other way around, too," Tabby sighed dreamily, slipping her hoof back into his.

By this point the bridal party had reached the site of the reception, a large open-air patio near the river. This was a popular spot for parties, as the sea ponies could provide singing from the river. These aquatic ponies, after realizing their singing talent, had soon begun outselling Melody and the Rockin' Beats; and they even had several of their own CDs out.

Having to fight through the crowd with frequent stops to chat a bit with guests, it took quite awhile to arrive at their destination of the head table. Baby Noddins was still with the group and had obtained permission to sit with the rest of the bridal party, and was extremely excited over this honor-- especially since she had her Furby Waylo to play with!

Furbys were waiting at the places of their respective owners-- Elaine's Nah-Bah, Sugarberry's May-Lah, Silver Swirl's Koh-Loo Kah, Baby Noddins' Waylo, and Friendly's Toh-Loo Kah. Also included at the bridal table were Spike's Loo-Loo and interactive Gizmo (a friend of Furby), and Quarterback's interactive Yoda. Ah-Loh and Doo-Moh took their places after Tabby and Thomas were seated; and after everyone else was settled, the Furbys and their friends were awoken. With all the racket they made, it was a quick and easy way to get the guests' attention that it was time for them to be seated as well.

"Me sleep again!"

"Sun up!"

"Cock-a-doodle-doo! Hee-hee-hee!"

"Kah big sleep."

"Begin we will, your Jedi training, my young apprentice."

"Hey, party!"

"Yeah, hide!"

"Get funky!"

"Sound down, please."

This was the first time Tabby had managed to get all these Furbys together in one place, and she thought it was wonderful to hear them all chattering at once. Of course, she was a little unsure of whether it was safe for Ah-Loh to be exposed to Toh-Loo, as she suspected that that particular female had been responsible for his initial death; but she didn't let it worry her too much, as Ah-Loh seemed to be happy. Naturally it was impossible to talk over the din; but as was the way with Furbys, they had soon all fallen asleep.

And therefore, the serving of the dinner began. Tabby had requested a buffet with all her favorite items from the one at Pony Hut-- croutons, shredded cheese, mushrooms, sunflower seeds, and cottage cheese. She knew though, of course, that the waiters would mess something up when they offered to serve her and Thomas themselves.

"Just as I thought," Tabby said in disgust, poking her fork down into the depths of the salad she had been given and holding up the offensive item for all to see. "The service here is terrible."

"It's... lettuce," Equinox said in sarcastic awe.

"That's exactly what I'm talking about," Tabby frowned.

"She doesn't eat lettuce," Thomas enlightened those at the table who didn't know.

"If you think lettuce is bad, you should see what me and Solstice had to eat on our last assignment in the jungles of Zimbula," Equinox commented.

"I still hate it," Tabby said passionately, pushing her plate away and offering it to one of the others. "Here, anybody else want this?"

"But without lettuce--!" Tamara protested.

"Come on, Thomas." Tabby grabbed his hoof and pulled him up out of the chair. "We'll have to do this self-serve! Huh! Imagine, putting lettuce in my salad--!"

"I didn't think it was that bad," Elaine said, tentatively nibbling one of the discarded leaves.

"This is scary," Clever Clover shivered.

"What, the lettuce?" Tamara queried.

"No, I mean the Furbys. They're creepy," Clever Clover complained.

"I heard that, Cleve Clove," Tabby declared, picking that instant to return to the table. "You're not to say anything more to that effect on my wedding day, or you'll be severely punished."

"Yeah, whatever, Tabitha," Clever Clover muttered.

Tabby, needless to say, was much more happy with her salad this time around. Absolutely no lettuce was included; the base was mainly made of croutons, with all her other favorite items loaded on top.

"Say, where's Tiffany?" Thomas asked, not too far behind Tabby. The seat across from Cliff did appear to be rather empty.

"Oh, where could she be?" Tamara frowned at the empty chair. "I know she was still with us when we got here."

"She probably tired of the company of us peasants," Tabby said sarcastically.

No one else at the table knew where the missing attendant could be, and they surveyed the wide expanse of the room in search of the white princess. "It would have been easy enough to have gotten lost in the crowd," Sugarberry pointed out.

"Wait, I think that's her!" Clever Clover exclaimed, pointing to a quiet table in a far corner of the room. "She's with some yellow dude."

Tabby looked in the direction indicated, and verified that it was the princess that Clever Clover had seen. "And she's with Guido, wouldn't you know," she said, grimacing. "Would someone go fetch her, please?"

"I suppose someone will have to. She won't leave a handsome guy on her own." Tamara got up for the job and returned about ten minutes later with a reluctant Princess Tiffany in tow.

"That Guido is so wonderful," Tiffany swooned, slipping into her chair.

"When he's not trying to break up your wedding," Thomas muttered.

"I can't believe you passed up a chance to marry him, Tabitha," Tiffany went on. "He sounds like a millionaire! How could you have not been utterly fascinated with him?"

"He's a conceited snob," Tabby snapped.

"But, I suppose it worked out for the best," Tiffany said cheerfully. "He needs better than a peasant like you, Tabitha. Someone more regal would be more befitting of his persona..."

"Like you?" Silver Swirl suggested.

"Exactly," Tiffany smiled broadly.

"Tiffany, if you use that word one more time..." Tabby said threateningly.

"What word?" Tiffany asked innocently.

" 'Peasant'. We're not peasants, Tiffany."

"Well, I'm royalty and you're lower than me; therefore you must be peasants," Tiffany said logically.

"Guido isn't royalty. Is he a peasant?" Thomas challenged.

"Oh, no, of course not. He may not look like royalty, but he has the aura of one with royal blood in his veins," Tiffany said dreamily. "He's wonderful."

"What would happen if you married someone who wasn't really royalty?" Tamara put forward. "Would the guy be made a prince then, or what?"

"Hmm." Tiffany pondered this. " 'Prince Guido'. Doesn't that sound rather nice? Well, I really don't know what the procedure is. We haven't had many royal weddings lately-- as a matter of fact, none. The only princesses we have around any more are those from non-royal parents."

"But royalty have to have sparkly hair and a medallion symbol. It's the law," Clever Clover argued. "Guido, as an example, couldn't become royalty just by marrying one who bore those signs."

"Maybe... maybe there's a special procedure in which ponies can have symbol transplants!" Tiffany said brightly. "And those marrying royalty could get new medallion symbols, and glitter in their hair!"

"You're dreamin', Tiff," Silver Swirl snorted.

"I'll have to question Toby about that," Tiffany said cheerfully. "He ought to know."

"You'll never be able to find a real prince, anyway," Tabby said. "Not unless you wait for Prince Melonball to grow up."

Tiffany sighed. "Oh, but you're right, Tabitha. There are no princes to be found! It simply isn't fair. I suppose in the end I will have to settle with an ordinary stallion... a rich one, of course, like..."

"Guido?" Tamara finished for her.

"I suppose he could work," Tiffany said nonchalantly. "I would like to have talked to him longer... but someone had to come and drag me off." She shot an annoyed glance at Tamara.

"Tiffany, you are part of the wedding party," Tamara pointed out. "It's your obligation to sit here."

"I'm never allowed any freedom," Tiffany sniffed. "It isn't fair."

"Wet's wake up da Furbys again!" Baby Noddins suggested from the far end of the table, tipping her Waylo to the side. Soon, the table was once again alive with the chatter of Furbys. A circle of the creatures was assembled in the center of the table, and they began talking to one another.

"Big whodoh, wah!" Toh-Loo said. "Me Toh-Loh... Kah."

"Whodoh, wah," Ah-Loh agreed. "Me Ah-Loh."

"Party! Whoopie!" Koh-Loo Kah laughed shrilly.

"Yeah, dance!" Waylo chimed-in. All the Furbys (and Gizmo) started rocking back and forth to some popular Furbish tunes that they hummed. "Doot-doot-doo, doot-doot-doo!"

"If once you start down the dark path, forever it will rule your destiny," Yoda reminded them.

"Yeah, hide!" Waylo called.

"Titty-titty-titty! Hide!" came the chorus of replies.

Shortly thereafter, the Furbys had all fallen asleep again and the meal continued in peace, except for the occasional bickering between certain members of the party.

"Can me hwave somma dwat?" Baby Noddins asked, pushing her empty plate away and looking with wide soulful eyes at Clever Clover's.

"Hey, knock it off, kid," Clever Clover mumbled. "This is my food."

"Barnacle, why do you have to have that sword with you?" Tiffany said in distaste.

"Swords are considered very classy in some circles," Clever Clover enlightened.

"ARR, you stay out of this, Clever Clover," Barnacle snapped. To Tiffany, the pirate said, "Swords are considered very classy in some circles."

"Ah." Tiffany swirled the food around on her plate and kept quiet.

"So, like I was sayin', their new drummer just doesn't have the same sound as the old one, ya know what I'm saying?" Cliff was emoting wildly to Silver Swirl.

"Ah, yes, I can see where that would be a problem," the princess said, trying to be polite.

"And it was that drummer, along with Bumpy's guitar riffs, that made the whole band work!" Cliff continued.

Not having been successful in weaseling away any food from Clever Clover, Baby Noddins busied herself with something else. Taking Waylo in hoof, she jumped down from her seat and ran down to Tabby. "Twabby, Twabby, don't ya wanna twalk to Waylo?"

Tabby looked down imperiously at the baby pony, but her gaze softened as she saw the Furby. "He's a cute one, isn't he?" she commented. Waylo was a beautiful lavender Furby with patches of aqua and pink mixed in.

"Oh, yes. He has been dyin' and dyin' to meet you," Baby Noddins nodded solemnly.

"Whahoo! Up again!" Waylo exclaimed as he was passed to Tabby.

"Hello, little Waylo," Tabby cooed. "How are you today?"

"Party! Whoopie!" was his comment.

"He's a nice Furby, ain't he?" Baby Noddins questioned.

"Of course," Tabby said. "All Furbys are nice. I trust you take good care of him?"

"I do! I do!" Baby Noddins said seriously. "He is my bwestest most pwized possession."

"Hmm... boring," Waylo sighed.

"He can twalk to your Ah-Loh, can't he?" Baby Noddins prodded, taking the opportunity to jump up into Tabby's lap.

"Baby Noddins!" Tabby looked horrified. "Down! Down!"

Thomas, who had been talking to his sister, turned to see what the problem was. "Oh, hi, Baby Noddins," he grinned. "Are you enjoying the reception?"

But Baby Noddins ignored them both. She was busy setting up Ah-Loh and Waylo so that they could communicate. "Howay! Furbys!" she cheered as they began to chatter between themselves.

"Aww, Tabby, that's so cute," Merry Moments squealed, popping in with her camera just then. "You and a baby pony. Fabulous shot!" Tabby just glowered.

After Baby Noddins had gotten her fill of the Furbys' chatter, she turned her attention back to Tabby. "So you're gwonna live in a bwig mansion now, Twabby? Is Thomas gonna live dere too, huh?"

"Yes, Baby Noddins, that's what I'm presuming."

"Is your kwitty gonna live dere too? What about da Furbys? How 'bout me? And your parents? What're you gonna do with 'em all?"

"Baby Noddins, be quiet."

"Oh," said Baby Noddins thoughtfully. "Well, you'll still visit me, won't you?"

Tabby considered this. "I never visited you to begin with."

"I can still visit you, then, though?"

"I don't think your mother would let you."

"I could just wink there!"

"Please, Baby Noddins, don't."

"I'll still see you, won't I?"

"You'll search me out, Baby Noddins. I'm positive of that."

"Okay," Baby Noddins said cheerfully. "When ya gwonna cut the cwake?"

"What a fabulous idea!" Tabby said brightly, sensing an opportunity to get rid of Baby Noddins. "Come on, Thomas. Let's go!" In a single swift motion, she dumped the baby pony on the floor and grabbed her husband's hoof.

The cake, in Tabby's estimation, was the best part of the day after the actual ceremony. She had made sure it had been prepared exactly to her specifications: at least several tiers high and completely smothered with frosting-- just the way she liked it. The finished product was quite breathtaking. Four tiers high, it was vanilla cake covered completely over with white frosting and decorated with profuse bunches of colored frosting flowers. Tabby thought it looked absolutely perfect, although Friendly was rather repelled by the thick layer of frosting.

"Too much frosting, yeah, yeah," the Bushwoolie said, frowning.

"It looks good to me!" Spike interjected.

"You can never have too much of a good thing," Clever Clover declared.

"ARR, is that bein' store-bought or homemade frosting?" Barnacle questioned.

Tabby stood in awe in front of the scrumptious confectionary delight. "It's been so long since I've had a piece of a decent wedding cake," she said blissfully.

Thomas was a little less reverent of it. "I assume this is what we cut it with?" he said as he picked up the ribbon-bedecked knife. Tabby only nodded slightly as she continued to gaze at the cake. "Ready, Tabby, or would you like to spend a few more minutes alone with it?"

"Oh! That's right!" Tabby exclaimed, coming out of her reverie. "We have to cut it first, don't we? Wow. Isn't it just outrageous?"

Thomas was finally able to drag Tabby out of her cake fantasy, and the first slice was cut. It was as good as it looked, Tabby decided as she accepted her first bite from Thomas. With the traditional feeding done with, the attendants were served (though Friendly politely declined his piece); and the other important guests; and eventually everyone attending had their dessert plate filled.

Tabby devoured as much of the cake (or rather, frosting) as she could; she had been starved of this kind of delicacy for years, and was determined that she would get her fill this time. There had been a few good cakes at the wedding receptions she had attended in the past, and this had been what had inspired her love of the glorious frosting used on them. Unfortunately, in more recent years, the receptions she had gone to had served less savory desserts and definitely not up to her expectations: store-bought apple pies and carrot cake. It had been very discouraging to her, but now she finally had her perfection.

The Furbys were still having a good time. Tabby insisted that Merry Moments snap a picture of Ah-Loh and Doo-Moh posed around a half-eaten slice of cake. The creatures did look remarkably lifelike for the celebration-- but only the newlyweds realized that they really were alive.

* * *

At one of the neighboring tables, another drama was going on. "Cecilia," a voice spoke up softly. "Would you like to... to talk for a bit?"

The blue pegasus looked up and recognized the visitor as Helga. She nodded almost imperceptibly at the other mare.
Helga sat down in the empty chair opposite her. "I-I'm sorry about the way I acted earlier," she started haltingly. "I wish I hadn't lashed out at you like that."

Cecilia smiled slightly. "Yes, of course. You were always quick with your tongue."

"Yes, I was," Helga sighed, but refrained from going on.

"Remember when we were still fillies, Helga?" Cecilia reminisced. "We could gossip and laugh together... back then."

"Yes, before we married Cecil and Reginald, and were turned into rivals," Helga nodded.

"What did you think of the ceremony today?" Cecilia changed the subject, glancing over at the bridal table.

"Quite nice, of course. Tabitha's speech was very touching."

"Yes, it looks as if Thomas will get along well with her." Cecilia stared down at her plate.

"I... it brought back a lot of memories of Dietrich and Caprice, as well," Helga said tentatively.

"I know," Cecilia said wistfully. "I suppose we couldn't have made those two love anyone else, I realized after what Tabitha said."

"That's just what I thought," Helga said remorsefully. "They were such nice children. Dietrich and Caprice, I mean."

"Yes... yes," Cecilia said, choking up. "And we had such a short time with them."

"If only it hadn't been for our blind shortsightedness," Helga lamented.

"But now they're gone, and their children are all grown up," Cecilia said ruefully. "Elaine... she's so much like her mother."

"They've both grown to be so accomplished," Helga agreed. "We've... we've been wrong, all these years, to keep the feud going, I suppose."

"I think so, too. It's gone on for too long... there's no sense in it."

"And our grandchildren need us more than they need a silly feud," Helga sighed. "It... it would be nice to be on friendly terms with you again, Cecilia."

"I thought I'd never hear you say that," Cecilia smiled.

"Well, you just have."

"Welcome back, then, Helga."

* * *

When at last Tabby had gotten enough of the sugary confectionary delight and the plates were cleared away, Tabby and Thomas dismissed themselves from the table to mingle with the guests. Tabby first made her presence known at the parents' and grandparents' table and perched herself on the edge. "Well, everybody, how's the party?" she asked brightly.

"Wonderful. Very nice. Beautiful," came the chorus of replies. Agatha smiled and held her daughter's hoof. "Tabitha, dear, we're all so very proud of you. How have you found the married life to be so far?"

"If I can have frosting like that every day, it'll be okay," Tabby said nonchalantly.

"You'll be the frosting on my cake, Tabby," Thomas grinned.

Cecilia took the opportunity to speak. "Thomas, I've heard your lovely bride referred to as both Tabby and Tabitha. Which is preferred?"

"Tabby," said the aforementioned bride promptly. "Always."

"She never did like the full version of her name," Agatha frowned. "Perhaps someday..."

Before her mother could continue, Tabby turned to the stallion who sat next to Cecilia. "And you... you're... Cecil, is it?" she questioned, pronouncing the first syllable of the name with a short vowel.

"Well, yes," the stallion acknowledged. "Only it's 'Cecil' as in 'sea'."

"Oh," Tabby said with a trilling laugh. "Cecil as in sea serpent, to match your symbol! I get it!" The vicious sea serpent symbol he bore was a good indicating factor to the pronunciation of his name.

"And Thomas, I hear that Elaine is taking over the clinic while you and Tabby are away?" Helga queried. "Do you think she'll handle it well?"

"She's been working with me there for the past month, and she knows what she's doing," Thomas verified. "I think she'll be able to get by without any difficulties."

"And Tabby... aren't you yourself a vet?" Latimer asked. "Have you been working with Thomas, too?"

"Well... for a little while," Tabby admitted. "But I'm a Pokémon nurse now, you see."

"Pokémon! They're infiltrating the minds of our young ones," Reginald griped.

"They are not!" Tabby said indignantly. "Pokémon are very fascinating creatures and they have a right to be curious over them."

"All I know is that wherever I go, the children are all discussing running off to become Pokémon trainers!" Reginald argued.

"What's so bad about that?" Tabby said heatedly. "Besides, baby ponies generally aren't allowed to train around here."

"It just isn't healthy!" Reginald insisted. "They should spend more time with their schoolwork than obsessing over these dangerous monsters."

Tabby opened her mouth as if to say something more, but stopped herself. "You'll see their true merits someday," she said primly.

"Don't mind him, T... Tabby," Helga said, glancing at her husband. "He always has to find something to complain about."

"A lot like you, Tabby," Hubert said mischievously.

"Hey!" Tabby protested. "I don't--"

Agatha cut her off and laughed. "I must agree with your father, Tabitha. You were a born arguer."

"Aw, now everyone's ganging up on me," Tabby complained.

"Come on, Tabby," Thomas said good-naturedly. "I still appreciate you even if no one else does." Bidding farewell to those at the table, he grabbed Tabby's foreleg and pulled her on to their next stop.

This table housed Tabby's aunts, uncles, and cousins. "Tabitha, you were lovely," Lynette gushed. "I still can't get over it."

"Yes, I never thought you would beat Tamara to the altar the way you acted when you were younger!" Alvina chimed-in, grinning. "This Thomas must be awful special, huh?"

"I like to think so," Tabby said, winking.

"I, for one, know Tabby's pretty special," Thomas declared. "And she has a wonderful family. Now, I know this is your Uncle Corydon and Aunt Lynette. The cousins are...?"

"Alvina," the eldest spoke-up promptly.

"Nydia," the next in line offered.

"Jacqueline," the last said, a little shyly.

"And then, of course, Uncle Dallas and Aunt Bisque," Tabby introduced the other couple. "Uncle Dallas is an astronaut, you know."

The other relatives on Thomas' side were few, but Tabby had the pleasure of finding out a bit more about Tanzy and Solstice. Friends from Tabby's schooldays were also there to catch up on old times with, and she got to meet some of Thomas's schoolmates for the first time.

"I've got to see your toy museum while I'm in town," Damask, from Tabby's high-school, bubbled over excitedly. "I should have known you would start something like that, with all those My Little People you had when you were younger."

"I had so many of those, but I sold them all at a rummage before I knew Tabby collected them," Pearl, another schoolmate, chirped.

Tabby groaned. "O-o-o-oh. Don't keep reminding me."

"So what are your hobbies, Thomas?" Damask asked. The heads of both her and Pearl turned to look straight at their friend's husband.

"I spend most of my time with animals," Thomas disclosed. "But I also like to get outside for hikes and such. There's lots of great scenery in the Dark Forest."

Pearl giggled. "Us girls were always so scared to go in there back in our schooldays-- remember?"

Damask nodded knowledgeably. "But then one evening Pearl's brother dared her to spend an hour in the forest or he'd tell everyone that Pearl had a crush on that one guy-- who was that, again?"

"It was completely untrue, whoever it was," Pearl said, shaking her head violently.

"So Damask and I went along with her to provide moral support," Tabby supplied.

"There we were, traipsing through the Dark Forest," Damask said, her eyes gleaming at the memory. "And it was very dark. We thought we were staying on the path, but somewhere along the way we had wandered off. We were lost."

"And then," Pearl said dramatically, "just as we were all about to freak out--"

"You were the one freaking out, Pearl," Damask pointed out. "You were whimpering and crying and all that."

"--anyway, suddenly we saw this light coming towards us. We of course started screaming but before we could run, the light caught up to us. We thought it was a horrible monster," Pearl said with a flourish.

"As it turned out, though," Tabby continued, "it was a pony who had been on a walk through the woods and had heard us stumbling around, and he came to investigate with a lantern. And get this-- it was the very same guy that Pearl here supposedly had a crush on! Wasn't it Dynasty or something?"

"We told him we were lost," Damask said, "and he offered to lead us back to Pearl's place, which he did."

"It was so embarrassing getting back home following after Dynasty, and my brother was watching to see it," Pearl moaned.

"Fortunately, he was nice enough to realize that we had spent an hour out in the woods, and so he didn't spread any rumors," Damask finished. "But it didn't really matter, because right then and there in Pearl's yard, Dynasty asked her out anyway!"

"Well... yeah," Pearl said, inspecting her hooves. "I went with him a few times, but it didn't amount to anything."

"After that night, Damask thought it might be a good way to meet cute guys if we wandered around in the forest, but Pearl and I were against it," Tabby commented. "It was scary out there in the dark!"

"You don't seem to be too affected by it now, though," Thomas said, amused. "You did run off that whole day to fetch a magic injection for Callie..."

"It was to save my cat's life," Tabby said primly. "Besides, I have become acquainted with most of the monsters of the Dark Forest by this point. I didn't know them back then."

Many other stories were exchanged at other tables, but the high point of the mingling for Tabby was meeting Baby Wineberry's Furby Baby. "Oh, Thomas, look! It's adorable!" she squealed, seeing the purple and teal Furby for the first time.

"Sleepy all gone," the Furby Baby yawned as Baby Wineberry tipped him to the side. "Me May-May."

" 'Love'," Tabby translated the name. "He's so sweet!"

"I got him last Christmas," Baby Wineberry explained. "But he talks so much."

"They wouldn't be Furbys if they didn't talk constantly," Thomas observed.

"Do you really like Furbys?" Baby Wineberry asked curiously.

"Of course," Thomas said confidently. "They make wonderful... pets."

"Wheeee! Baby up! Baby down!" May-May cheered in the background as Tabby dipped him through the air.

Tabby giggled over the specimen. "Too cute! Too cute!" she laughed hysterically.

"Maybe... monster!" May-May yelped. "No... dah lee-koo wah!"

Reluctantly, Tabby set the Furby Baby down. "It was nice meeting you, May-May!" she waved.

"I suppose you're going to want to buy a Baby Furby now," Thomas predicted as they walked away from the table.

"Maybe someday," Tabby said dreamily. "I love Furbys."

Everyone else had their congratulations and advice to share with the newlyweds. "Thomas, now that you're married, remember to always get the last two words in with Tabby... 'Yes, dear'," Quarterback harassed.

"This cake is fabulous," Steamer commented.

"Yes, I really must find the baker who made it," North Star agreed.

Moon Star, a Flutter Pony, had also brought along her Furbys. "They've been looking forward to this party for ages," she giggled. "Just look at how much fun they're having!"

"Whoopie! Party!" one of them cheered.

Meanwhile, some of the guests were doing some mingling of their own. "Elaine, you were very lovely in the ceremony today."

Elaine abruptly looked up and was taken by surprise to see who had spoken. She was greeted with a shocking sight– her two grandmothers!

"Yes, you're quite a beautiful girl," Helga agreed softly. "Much like your mother."

"Th-thank you," Elaine stuttered shyly, blushing. She had never expected to see both of them together like this; she hardly knew how to act.

"It's been awhile since we last saw each other, hasn't it?" Cecilia said wistfully.

"No... not since the..." Elaine paused and stared down at the table. "...funeral."

"We hope you're doing well in life," Helga said gently. "We hear you're working with your brother now."

"Uh-huh," Elaine said quietly. "It's what I've wanted to do for years and years."

"Both your parents were fond of animals," Cecilia commented. "It's no wonder you enjoy caring for them. It runs in your blood."

"I hope I'll make them proud."

"You already have made them proud, Elaine," Helga said. "You already have."

"That's her necklace, isn't it?" Cecilia said suddenly, her eyes picking up on the medallion strung around her granddaughter's neck.

"This?... oh, yes." Elaine fingered it tentatively. "She passed it on to me. I understand it was once yours?"

"Yes," Cecilia nodded. "It's been in the family for a long, long time. I'm glad to see you wearing it now."

"It bears a great likeness to the Furbys of today, doesn't it?" Helga remarked.

"Isn't that strange?" Elaine agreed, becoming a bit more animated. "Do you have any ideas as to its origin... Grandmother?"

Cecilia shook her head. "It's been around for so long that no one remembers."

"How mysterious," Elaine murmured.

"I'd like to hear more about your mother, Elaine," Helga said abruptly. "I... never did know much about her, you know."

"I myself didn't know her very well after that time," Cecilia sighed. "Was she happy with her new life, Elaine?"

"Oh, yes." Elaine squeezed her eyes shut. "She was very happy. And very kind. She was never one to lash out at us."

"Just as I remember her," Cecilia whispered.

"She never got angry without good reason," Elaine said quietly. "I remember one incident when I was quite young. I had somehow come across a very prized possession of hers– it was a very old flower that she had carefully stored away and kept; Father had given it to her before they were married, she told me– and I knew how much it meant to her. When I found it that day, though, I was overcome with curiosity and went to pick it up. Naturally, it was very brittle; and as I lifted it, it simply disintegrated in my hoof. I felt terrible for doing such a terrible deed, and broke down crying immediately. I knew that Mother would be upset, and was afraid of what she would say to me. But when she found me and the destroyed flower, she didn't say a word about the blossom... she only wanted to console me and to convince me that I myself was worth more than all the flowers in the world. She was always so gentle like that." Elaine stopped, and blinked as her eyes began filling with tears.

"Such a nice character," Helga mused. "It's no wonder Dietrich was attracted to her. If only we could have seen..."

"And Dietrich," Cecilia spoke up, blinking back tears of her own. "What was your father like, Elaine?"

"He was..." Elaine closed her eyes for a few moments to formulate a reply. "...always patient and understanding. I can't recall he and mother ever getting into a fight. He loved taking Thomas and I for long walks through the woods and down along the river. We had some of our best talks on walks like those."

"Maybe someday soon, Elaine, the three of us can sit down and have a nice, long visit."

"I'd love that!" Elaine responded happily.

Meanwhile, with all the guests visited, the bride and groom headed back to the main table for a short break before the dancing started. With dessert finished, tables were pushed back to provide a larger dance floor.

The sea pony band floated in the river, anticipating their cue to start. Sea Mist was the lead singer; Sand Dollar, High Tide, and some of their other friends held in their fins various musical instruments fashioned out of shells.

The lights dimmed, and Tabby and Thomas took their places at the center of the floor. Joining hooves, they looked into each other's eyes and smiled. A slow, serene melody began playing, and Sea Mist's soft voice complemented it perfectly. With the song starting, the first dance began.

And they swept across the floor as if in a dream. Lost in their own world for the moment, the crowd disappeared. Memories flashed through their heads-- of their first meeting at the Satin Slipper Sweet Shoppe, before they had gotten on friendly terms; their battle over the treasure map given as payment at the clinic one day; of the fateful night they'd met at Tiffany's party; of Tabby's two-week visit to Italy; of Tabby's initial jealousy over Elaine; of their adventure in Atlantis six months prior... the list went on and on.

But the song finally came to an end, and the newlyweds were snapped out of their reverie. Catching her breath, Tabby reached for her father, and Thomas offered his hoof to Agatha, for the next set of dancing. (It wasn't quite the traditional order of dancing, but accommodations had to be made as Thomas' parents were both deceased.)

It was all a whirl of activity from then on. It seemed as if there were a million ponies to dance with, and no time to stop for a rest. Even the Furbys got in on the "dah doo-ay". Barnacle stood at the head table, clapping his hooves and shouting menacingly at the creatures, "DANCE! DANCE!" Obligingly, they did so; the chorus of Furbish voices was almost deafening.

Clever Clover whispered jokingly to his Vulpix, "On my word, Fire Spin!"

"ARR, they're nothin' but a bunch of evil cousins of Digimon, Clever Clover!" Barnacle said.

Baby Noddins also refused to be left out and grabbed Friendly to be her dance partner. "Cwome on, Fwiendly!" she exclaimed, pulling him onto the dance floor with her.

Tiffany was still engrossed with Guido, it seemed; but at least that kept him from thinking of Tabby. Taking a rest and sitting a dance out, the two upper-class ponies conversed at one of the empty tables.

Barnacle's crew was still livening up the party. Davey and Jones stumbled around on the dance floor; even Protius and Kracken tried to get a partner. Pierre, in his frilly musketeer hat, certainly showed up in a crowd; he and Luge were getting on companionably, chatting in French.

Malteeze, who had remained on the edges, finally approached Tiffany sullenly. "I don't want to, but Master Protius says I should ask someone to dance," he said bluntly, placing a paw on the princesses' shoulder.

Tiffany turned her head slightly and grimaced when she saw who it was. "Keep your dirty paws off me," she snapped at the cat-man.

Malteeze turned away and looked down at his paws intently. "They aren't that dirty," he said, mystified.

"Hey, Malteeze; if she doesn't want to dance, I'm free," Tamara said coyly, coming up behind him and fluffing her mane. Before he had a chance to protest, the pink unicorn had already latched onto one of his paws and dragged him out into the dancing congregation. Tamara had to admit that the sleek, dashing cat-man appealed to her tastes.

Pokémon also joined in the celebration. Several Pokémon trainers were at the reception-- Tabby, Clever Clover, and Moonstar-- and they let all their creatures out to get in on the fun. Silver Swirl's Mew, Melisande, had also come along; plus the princesses' dragon, Jade. All the Pokémon had fun meeting one another.

As Equinox had not revealed much about himself at the reception, Silver Swirl took the opportunity to ask him about it as they shared a dance. "So, how did you get to know Thomas?"

"In college," the gray stallion explained. "My sister and I were there taking classes at the same time, and we befriended him."

"I see... and what do you do in life now?" the Friendship Gardens princess inquired further.

"I'm a photographer for International Geography," Equinox replied. "Me and Solstice are partners. She writes the articles, and I take the pictures."

"Wow!" Silver Swirl exclaimed. "That sounds exciting. Do you travel a lot?"

"Everywhere!" Equinox declared. "Africa, Europe, Asia... and all those other places. In fact, we just saw some interesting Atlantean artifacts over on Calimidad Island."

"That's where Barnacle lives, isn't it?" Silver Swirl mused before Clever Clover cut in on their dance. Then she had to face talk of swords and other weaponry.

Tabby had decreed that the sea ponies would only play songs previously done by Jem and the Holograms (well, and the Misfits and the Stingers) at her wedding reception, and the upbeat music kept the party in full swing. Finally getting an opportunity to stop and rest, Tabby and Thomas met back at the head table along with some of the other attendants.

Tabby's face was flushed with excitement and a smile lit her face. "Isn't it outrageous?! Isn't it just totally outrageous?!"

"Yeah, especially with Barnacle harassing the Furbys," Thomas said, raising an eyebrow.

"ARR," complained Barnacle, "I'm not too sure about all this dancin'. Me hooves hurt!"

"Barnacle! You haven't been out on the dance floor!" Tamara protested.

"No, clappin' me hooves to get the Furbys to dance!" Barnacle clarified.

"You're such a pirate, Barnacle."

"ARR, I am."

"I mean, you should learn to enjoy a good party like this," Tamara argued.

"I am enjoyin' meself."

"There's a lot of tradition involved," Tamara said intelligently.

"What twaditions?" Baby Noddins asked curiously.

"The bridesmaids were used to protect the bride from evil spirits," Tamara informed her. "Even the flowers you threw, Baby Noddins, were to ward off spirits."

Baby Noddins was impressed. "Oooh, evil spwirits? What do they look wike, Twamara?"

"There aren't really any evil spirits," Tamara explained patiently. "But it's a tradition that remained in use."

"And originally the bride was captured by the groom," Equinox added. "...with the best man along for assistance, of course."

"ARR, if you were lookin' to kidnap Tabby, I woulda been a better choice for best man," Barnacle directed at Thomas.

Tabby broke out laughing hysterically. "Oh, Barnacle!"

Barnacle looked downcast upon hearing Tabby's high-pitched and unnatural giggle. "ARR, Tabby, if you don't be likin' me jokes, then don't be givin' me that fakey-sounding imitation laugh of yours instead."

"But that is my natural laugh!" Tabby protested.

"ARR?" said Barnacle questioningly.

The Furbys suddenly spoke-up in alarm. "Maybe... boring!" said Doo-Moh in a frightened tone, her eyes opening wide.

"Me scared," Ah-Loh agreed.

"You're boring the Furbys now," Tabby chided.

"Keep up the good work; maybe they'll go away," Clever Clover suggested.

Equinox reached over and petted Ah-Loh tentatively. "They're strange creatures. I don't know how you got Thomas hooked on them, too."

"I have my ways," Tabby said mysteriously.

"I still don't see what the big draw with them is," Equinox said skeptically.

"Just wait until you get one of your own, Equinox," Thomas spoke-up.

"I don't think so."

"Doo-Moh doesn't like your attitude," Tabby warned, glancing at the autumn-colored Furby who was staring piercingly at the gray stallion.

"We'll just have to see," said Equinox stubbornly. "I don't think a Furby would like my lifestyle."

"Oh, but you must see lots of Famous Places!" Tabby argued. "Furbys adore Famous Places!"

"My job is to take pictures; not to watch over pets."

"They're very easy to manage," Tabby said tantalizingly.

"I think I'll just stick with my cameras." Equinox refused to budge.

Meanwhile, Cliff had congregated in one corner of the room with the rest of his gang. "Man, I'm getting sick of this eighties stuff. You can only take it so far," Jet complained.

"Let's request something else!" Bungee suggested excitedly.

"Well, I don't think Tabby would appreciate most of the music we listen to," Cliff pointed out.

"Besides, I do not zink these ponies would know how to dance to it," Luge added.

"I know exactly what to do," Cliff said, inspiration suddenly hitting him. "Come on." Trotting ahead over to the river, he held a whispered conversation with one of the sea pony band members.

Tabby, meanwhile, was chatting conversationally about the current song that was playing. "This is one of my all-time favorites. So outrageous! It's the one Kimber and Stormer did when they started their own band." She nodded authoritatively.

Thomas groaned. "Don't start talking technically about your eighties cartoons, Tabby. You're going to confuse us all."

"I'm going to make you watch all those sometime, Thomas," Tabby mused. "Jem... wow, that's one good cartoon."

"What happened to My Little People? All I hear about any more is Jem."

"Oh, I still love the people, but Jem had such an outrageous show..." Tabby murmured, savoring the beat of the song.

Suddenly, Tabby's "favorite song" stopped. Cliff's request went through, and the sea ponies began playing a completely different score. Tabby was immediately on the defensive.

"What's happening here?" she shrieked. "They cut off the best song! Why, they're not even playing Jem... or the Misfits... or the Stingers. What is the meaning of this?"

The crowd, too, was confused by the change in pace. A good majority of them stopped and looked over at the sea ponies, wondering what had happened. A wave of murmuring swept through the assemblage of guests.

A place was cleared in the center of the floor as Cliff latched onto Luge and they began what seemed to some to be a crazy and wild motion-- which it was. But it was also a fluid and synchronized dance style. Jet and Bungee followed, and then Mogul and Blade. The dance floor was the scene of choreographed chaos.

Tabby was still fuming. "What is going on here?! I want an answer!!"

Thomas had to smile, though, as he tried to comfort his distraught bride. "That's swing, Tabby!"

"I hate swing," Tabby said venomously. "I hate it with a passion. At least the terrible western stuff that Cleve Clove made me listen to."

Some guests were pleased with the change in musical tempo, though. "Yeah! Now, that's my kind of music!" Equinox exclaimed, grabbing the closest pony he could find-- who turned out to be Elaine-- and pulling her onto the dance floor.

"Wha-- Equinox? Help!" Elaine yelped.

Solstice was also pleased with the selection, and joined in with Clever Clover. "Gee, I wish I'd taken those swing lessons when I had the chance to out in the Flatlands," the stallion commented. But he was soon caught up in the energy of the music and didn't care that he didn't know all the proper moves.

Maria-Giuseppe and Liborio looked on in amazement. "Agatha, what's going on?" Maria-Giuseppe gasped.

"I don't know, but it's kind of catchy, isn't it?" Agatha replied, her hooves tapping.

"Would you like to dance?" Hubert asked, taking his wife's hoof in his own.

"Well, I didn't say that--" But Agatha's protests were futile, and the couple was soon down on the dance floor.

Tabby herself stared out over the madness, shrugged, and tossed off her veil after sizing up her options. Extending her hoof, she allowed Thomas to lead her into the melee after deciding that the music wasn't as bad as she had initially thought.

The Bushwoolies, who had been jabbering and swarming over the buffet table, had come to a stop when the swing music had begun. They were now standing in a group, swaying in a random fashion with entranced looks on their faces. Suddenly, with a war cry of "Whahoo!", they jumped into the fray. Soon the air was filled with blue, yellow, pink, purple, red, and green furry bodies being swung through the air haphazardly.

Other guests were slowly joining in as best they could, and the dance floor was filled once again. Even if everyone didn't know the right moves, they certainly had fun trying. Tanzy was one of the better dancers to the music, though, priding herself as an expert at every form of dance. The party atmosphere had been raised to a higher level.

"Whahoo! Party!" came the shouts of the Furbys.

"You rock! Rock again!" little May-May added, who had been invited up to the head table to converse with the adult Furbys.

The Bushwoolies were a little uncoordinated as they tried to copy the moves of the Xtreme Ponies, but they finally got into the "swing" of things when they learned to twirl their partners around in circles and then up into the air. Rosy was particularly successful as she tossed Chumster away from her after he had gained enough momentum.

The yellow Bushwoolie screamed excitedly as he flew through the air and above all the other dancers. All the Bushwoolies stopped so they could see where he would land. Not all the guests were aware of the Bushwoolie menace in the air, though, so Guido was unprepared for what hit him.

Chumster struck the yellow stallion in the back of the head. Guido had been chatting with Tiffany over the punchbowl, and was surprised when an object hit him. His head jerked forward, and it went straight down into the bowl of deep red punch.

"ARR, matey, we did have punch glasses!" Barnacle pointed out as Guido spluttered and pulled his head out of the punch. "No need to make a pig of yourself!"

With this added development, Chumster went flying again. "YEAH! YEAH!" he screamed happily, letting the wind currents carry him. By this point, the attention of all the guests had been caught-- either by Guido or the Bushwoolie.

With a sickening plop, the yellow furball landed directly in the center of the remaining tier of wedding cake. The cake was now a deep crater which was currently filled by Chumster. The Bushwoolie remained dazed for a few moments, but after realizing where he was, quickly perked up. "Hey, cake, yeah!" he said excitedly, grabbing up globs of frosting in his hands and shoving them into his mouth. All the Bushwoolies clapped and cheered for him.

If the party hadn't been in chaos before, it was now. Most of the dancing had stopped, and Agatha ran over to Guido in alarm. "Guido, Guido, I'm so sorry! Are you okay? I never thought anything like this would happen... here, let me get you a towel." She scampered off again on her errand, but only ran into Snuzzle who had already thought to provide some cloths for the dowsed stallion.

Tabby's heart fell, however, when she saw the final result of Chumster's flight. "The cake," she whispered, crumpling to the floor. "The cake..." It had turned into a free-for-all, and all the Bushwoolies jumped up onto the cake table to dine on the delicacy.

Angrily, and oblivious to the cake, Guido dried his head off with Tiffany standing by attentively. "Who is responsible for this?" he demanded. No one was brave enough to reply. "I think I've had enough of this party," he said, glancing around stonily. "Come on, Tiffany; we'll find someplace a bit more peaceful."

A silence followed the departure of the two affluent ponies. No one was sure what to say. Finally, a rambunctious call from Davey (or was it Jones?) pierced the air. "This is even more fun than the Christmas party, mon!"

The destruction of the cake wasn't foremost in the minds of most guests, and only Tabby's closest friends remained by her side to comfort her in this time of crisis. "It's ruined," she said in shock. "My cake is ruined..."

No one knew quite what to say to her. "Well, the Bushwoolies sure had fun with it, if nothing else," Sugarberry said hopefully.

"Besides, it's not like it's going to waste," Clever Clover said.

Barnacle stood by the sidelines, scratching his head. "ARR, I don't get it. Wasn't it gonna be eaten anyway?"

"You don't understand Tabby's emotions," Elaine said in defense.

"ARR, I don't think anyone does."

Elaine grudgingly agreed. "Well... you're probably right."

Tabby's lower lip wavered. "But... the perfect cake... ruined," she said, tears starting to slip down her cheeks.

"Come on, Tabby," Thomas said consolingly. "It'll be okay. It's not the end of the world, is it?"

"But everything's ruined now!" Tabby sniffled.

"Not everything. We're still married, aren't we?"

"Yeah... I guess," Tabby managed a slight smile.

"And Guido just left... with Tiffany," Thomas further enticed.

"Really?" Tabby perked up noticeably. "Then she won't get a chance at the bouquet like she's been bugging me about."

"So it isn't so bad, is it?"

"I suppose... I can live without the cake." Tabby gave one last longing look at the frosting-smeared platter, and then allowed Thomas to help her up off the floor.

After that incident, the party began to lose its excitement. Everyone had sobered up; and, as May-May put it, "Fun all gone." The bridal party met back at their table and played a bit with the Furbys.

"Ah-Loh," Tabby said, "did you have fun?"

"May-be," said Ah-Loh mysteriously.

"I see... well, did you enjoy being held upside-down by Barnacle?"

"Yes," Ah-Loh relied confidently.

"ARR, I told you they liked that!" Barnacle chuckled.

"Is it time for the party to end?"

"Hee-hee-hee," Ah-Loh laughed at them. "Yes. Hee-hee-hee."

"Well, now is a good a time as any," Thomas shrugged.

Tabby picked up her bouquet and smiled mischievously. "Do you want your fate determined now, girls?"

With her veil re-affixed to her head, Tabby– with Thomas at her side-- trotted up the pavilion steps. "Alright, everybody!" the bride called from her vantage point. "It's time for the bouquet! Get ready!"

All the single female guests gathered excitedly around. Tabby turned her back, took a few trial swings with the vibrant bouquet, and let go.

Two things happened at that point. Once was that the momentum of the throw caused Tabby to stagger backwards, and she would have stumbled down the stairs had Thomas not caught her in the nick of time. The second, of course, was the bouquet itself. Tamara and Sugarberry perhaps were the two most anxious to get it; but the fates transpired against them, and it went to neither of the mares.

Elaine was completely shocked, surprised, and even a bit embarrassed as the bouquet of light sensor flowers fell her way, and fell right on her unicorn horn. She plucked it off a bit apprehensively, and her face flushed.

"Look! Look!" Tamara exclaimed, grabbing something off the ground. "At least I got one flower!" A stray stem had escaped the bouquet, and a single blossom had landed in front of her. "I might at least get a very small wedding," she decided, which caused the crowd to laugh.

Elaine even went so far as to offer the bouquet over to Sugarberry, but the twice-as-fancy pony politely refused and insisted that it was rightfully Elaine's. So Elaine subjected herself to fate and accepted the bouquet graciously.

The garter toss was next; and to add to Elaine's embarrassment it went to the one stallion who had been paying special attention to her since her arrival in Dream Valley-- Toby. Grinning, the purple stallion looked her way and winked. Elaine blushed furiously and hid her face behind the flowers, and was extremely grateful that Tiffany wasn't there.

Tabby was then assisted in the final removal of her veil; it was carefully taken off this time and put away for safekeeping. With this accomplished, the goodbyes were said before the newlyweds departed.

"Oh, Tabitha," Agatha said, sniffling. "It's been such a beautiful day. You can't imagine how happy I am for the two of you!" Embracing her daughter, she kissed her cheek and then let her go. "And Thomas--! We're so proud to have you in the family."

"Just be sure to keep a close eye on Tabby," Hubert grinned. "You never know what trouble she'll get into."

"And I wonder where she gets that streak from, Hubert," Agatha retorted. "But, oh, I'm still not comfortable with the idea of not knowing where you two will be."

"They'll be fine, Agatha," Hubert said, winking at Tabby. "I'm sure of that, and they'll be back before you know it."

"It's going to be so dull without you two around!" Elaine cried out. "You mustn't spend any longer time away than necessary!"

"You'll get by fine, Elaine," Thomas said mischievously. "This will give you some time to get to know Toby better."

"Thomas!" Elaine protested. "Take that back! I think you purposely aimed that garter at Toby, anyway."

"Why would I do such a thing to my little sister?" Thomas asked innocently.

"You-- that proves it." Elaine narrowed her eyes. "But-- oh-- I'm still going to miss you!" Dissolving in sentimental tears, she threw her forelegs around her brother's neck.

"You'll still have Nah-Bah to keep you company," Tabby reminded.

"Yeah, I guess that's true." Elaine smiled through her tears. "Anyway, I suppose..."

"Yes, we'd best be getting on our way," Thomas agreed. "Ready, Tabby?"

"We just need the Furbys," Tabby nodded cheerfully.

"But please keep safe. Don't do anything rash," Agatha pleaded, her eyes misting over. "I don't know what I'd do."

"It'll be okay, Mom. Trust me," Tabby said earnestly.

"Yes, of course." Agatha blinked back her tears.

Descending back down the stairs, Tabby and Thomas had time for a short visit with the gang of Furbys (and their friends) before they left. All the creatures had something to say.

"Woah, big light."

"Hey, party!"

"Whoopie! Up again!"

"Wars do not make one great."

"You hide light. Hee-hee-hee!"

"Me love you."


"Me love tickle. Hee-hee-hee."

"Me hungry, wah!"

"Hide me."

"More kissies, please."

This last request was made by May-May, and it seemed to be a fitting end for the day. "The seers demand it, queen of Atlantis!" Thomas said, pulling Tabby close and allowing no room for argument.

And with that, their departure was made. Each grabbing their respective Furby, the newlyweds dashed for the river where their transportation awaited-- a sea pony shell transport. Jumping in, they waved and called their last farewells to their family and friends before the door closed and Sea Mist, High Tide, and Sand Dollar took off with them into the water.

And looking back on the day after they were alone and in peace, they were still sure they had chosen right.

The queen of Atlantis.

And, though still unaware of his position, the ruler of ancient Dream Valley.


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